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King's Quest - Chivalry Test Guide

King’s Quest – Chivalry Test Guide

King's Quest - Chivalry Test Guide

The first real challenge in King’s Quest is the Chivalry Test. You will need to answer four questions correctly in order to move on to the next part of the game. This guide will help you get the answers you need for the chivalry test!

King’s Quest Chivalry Test Guide

First thing you will want to do is to talk to the knight in purple. He will introduce himself as Achaka and everything else in a different language. You can ask him the rest of the questions if you want, but you really just needed to learn his name by talking to him. Talk to Manny near Achaka and as about Achaka. You will learn a bit about Achaka and then you can move to the next knight.

Next talk to the big knight with the horn helmet. Try to introduce yourself and you will learn that his name is Sir Comference, he wants to be called Acorn though. Now that you have his name, return to Manny and ask about Acorn. Manny will tell you he is hiding a squirrel in his armor. Return to Acorn and tell him you know what he is hiding. This is how you get the name for the knight in orange. Be sure to ask the name of the squirrel before you leave.

Finally go talk to Whisper because you need his full name. The name starts with Sir Walter Harris and trails on way to long. You needed his full name in order to answer one of the questions for the test. Now you can go talk to the knight and finish up this part of the game.

Question – Who is the only knight competing in the tournament that speaks multiple languages?
Answer – Manny

Question – The knight hopeful hails from a land far outside of Daventry. Based on the odds, he is favored to win the competition.
Answer – Achaka

Question – What is the full name of the fastest contestant in the competition?
Answer – Sir Walter Harris, etc, etc.

Question – Who or what is the favorite companion of the strongest competitor?
Answer – Princess Madelin of Avalon

This will lead you into the next part of the tournament.