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SWTOR Walkthrough - Enemy Force - Jedi Knight

You get enemy force after completing the mission "High-Tech Savages"

Open your mission log:

Enemy Force
Flesh Raiders are making incursions into an ancient Jedi Shrine within the ruins of Kaleth. Master Orgus Din has left you to deal with this while he consults the Jedi Council about the contents of T7's holorecording. You must travel to the ruins of Kaleth and explore the ancient shrine to learn why the Flesh Raiders have suddenly become interested in it.

Your destination is just south of the Jedi Temple. You can quick travel to the Jedi Temple, then go south, keep going south on the Elarian Trail after crossing the bridge. The road will turn west around the mountain. Keep west past the camp, and enter the Meditation Tunnel in the Ruins of Kaleth. Inside the tunnel, kill 10 Flesh Raider Adept Initiates to complete the bonus mission "Guards of the Leader". Exit the tunnel to the Ancient Shrine to the west.

SWTOR Fleshraider Fight

Speak with the Flesh Raider Ravager Chieftain and tell him to leave. He will attack you, with some Flesh Raider Ravagers. You should first kill the Ravagers before focusing on the Chieftain. Once you have neutralized all the Flesh Raiders, speak to Master Bela Kiwiiks to learn why she and her Padawan are here. She tells you Master Orgus sent them. You tell her how one of the Flesh Raiders you fought called you "Jedi" and that he could use the Force. Master Kiwiiks recovers a holocron from one of the Flesh Raiders,  a repository of knowledge created by a Force user. Thousands of years old, from the looks of it. She and her Padawan can't stay to see this through, since Master Satele has ordered them to Coruscant on a special mission. She thinks the Republic Capital is the source. Master Bela Kiwiiks gives you surveillance monitors that will keep watch on Kaleth. She tells you to place them around the ruins. The temple can monitor any future incursions by their enemies. If the Flesh Raiders return, the temple's guards will respond to any invasion, and these surveillance devices will give us ample warning.

Your task now is to plant the surveillance devices around the lower level of the Kaleth ruins to monitor further flesh Raider activity in the area. You need to plant the devices in the following locations: on top of the ruined building in Sector 01, near the stairs in Sector 02 and on top of the ruined wall in Sector 03. Follow the markers on the map to get to the locations where you need to plant the Surveillance devices. You will have to right click on gray square to plant the device See these screenshots to help you find the locations:

Sector 01 - Top of Ruined Building
SWTOR Sector 01 Surveillnace Device

Sector 02 near stairs
Sector 02 Surveillance Device

Sector 03 top of ruined wall
Sector 03 Ruined Wall

After planting all three surveillance cameras, use your holocommunicator. Master Orgus wants you to meet him in the Twi'lek village at the Matriarch's dwelling. Go back to the Kalikori Village. Speak to Master Orgus. Bengel Morr was Master Orgus' Padawan but never completed his training. Bengel was in the Jedi Temple on Cruscant when the Sith destroyed it. Ranna Tao'Ven interrupts. Her scouts have identified a Flesh Raider command base in the mountains. It's protected by an energy shield. The shield's power generator is hidden on a different mountain, in a well-guarded cave network. Master Orgus says that the command base is probably coordinating all the attacks in the region and that he has to get inside there. He wants you to knock up the power generator. He also tells you to see if you can give the droid an opening to gather more intelligence. But that energy shield is your top priority. You have to knock it out as fast as you can.

This completes the mission "Enemy Force" and starts the next one, "The Face of the Enemy".