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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 39: Blue Candles and Bells Puzzle Solution

Arrive at what appears to be the Otherworld version of the St. Maria's Monastery Theater.

There is a large vent on the side which appears to be alive, with a door next to it. Enter the dressing room. There is a big painting on the wall. Examine it, to reveal a hidden chamber. Pick up the blue candles from the table:

Blue Candles
Special candles that emit blue light.

As you exit the secret room, you are attacked by dolls and shadows. Have your UV flashlight turned on so that you are prepared to fight them. Then go back to the main hall.

The candles you got are part of a PUZZLE

St. Maria's Monastery Otherworld Theater Bells and Blue Candles Puzzle Solution

Take the other door and climb up the stairs to reach the control room. There is a first aid kit there, as well as a radio, and two levers, one marked "Chandelier Control" and one marked "Curtain Control". The chandelier control lowers the chandelier, and there appears to be a stabber on top of it. The curtain control opens the curtains. Flip both switches. Go back down, kill the stabber, then place the blue candles on the chandelier. Then use your lighter to light them. Go back to the control booth, and raise the chandelier.

The blue light now reveals a set of 5 symbols. Make note of them, or just see the image below.

Silent Hill Downpour Bells and Candles Puzzle Solution

Go backstage, through what seems to be a recreation of the prison setting.  Knock down the cardboard props on the way. You reach a room with three bells. Each bell has a symbol on it. Ring the bells in the same sequence of the symbols. The order is:

Left Bell
Left Bell
Middle Bell
Right Bell
Left Bell

The ground shakes. Blood stars pouring from the bells. The whole chamber becomes flooded. The big door opens.Go through it and climb the stairs. Then climb the ladder at the end. You arrive at a room with floating papers. There is a man in the wheelchair at the end of the room, the little girl is next to him. You call him to stay away from her. As you run towards them, the floor beneath you collapses and you fall down.

You wake up at the morgue. Cutscene begins. The nun is there. You ask her where you are and why she is doing that to you. She thanks you for coming to shepherd your son home. She knows it is difficult losing a child. You tell her there has been a mistake. You buried your son years ago.

You pull the blanket off the corpse in the center. The Bogeyman is there. She tells you that you can sign for your son's body and take him home. You say this isn't your son, it's a monster, a murderer. She tells you that she supposes that runs in the family. You ask her what she is talking about. She thinks you have wandered so far off the path to not even realize who you are. She recites, "There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death. Prisoners in misery and chains, because they had rebelled against the word of God."

You tell her she does now know how it feels to know it is your fault your child is gone. Every time you shut your eyes you saw Charlie's face, and all you could think was, that monster is still alive but you will never get to see your boy again. You tell her that what you did to Napier didn't solve anything. Charlie was still gone, and you were stuck in prison. Everything spiralled out of control. It was your fault. You just wanted your life back.

The Sister tells you that revenge is a long, treacherous road, and asks you where you suppose it ends. Suddenly, you notice a keychain on the body of the Bogeyman with "Freedom" inscribed on it. These are DJ Bobby Ricks keys to his boat which you were after. The nun tells you that it is yours, if you want it. You only need to claim it as your own. You grab the keys. The Bogeyman suddenly awakens and grabs your hand. It lifts you in the air and throws you across the room, then strikes the floor with his big hammer. You lose consciousness, and wake up somewhere outside.