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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 40 – Humanoid Research Center

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 40 – Humanoid Research Center

Region 13
Head South from Telos Asute. When you reach the first intersection, turn to the North. You will find a second Warp. Use this to reach the Humanoid Research Center. You do get a pair of cutscenes, one from the party and one of Richard.

Humanoid Research Center
Head North and West (to the right) to get started. Keep going West until you are blocked by a door. This lets you access the skit, “The Control Device”. Now head into the Warp you just passed. Head out of Warp Chamber and go to the North to check on the console. This will open the door that was blocking you. Head back through the warp and continue to the North on the main path.

Head through the doorway. Head into either room and collect a Charged Battery. Approach the console near the end of the hall. Interact with it to swap out its spent battery with the charged one. Head back into either room after that and collect a second charged battery. Now head into the chamber above where you placed the charged battery and use the elevator.

Basement 1 (South)
Start to the North from here. Head into the first chamber and interact with the Gold Start inside it. This will get the party a Drive Unit and Hubert gets the “Lover of Lhant” title. After that, loot the chest in the backleft of the room for 2 Grape Gels. Now head North and East to advance.

Continue East down the next corridor. Keep going until you can turn South. Head into the one room of this passage. Inside is a chest with the “Book of Exchanging”. This book halves how much gald you receive but restores a proportionate amount of Eleth! Sounds handy for time of low Eleth. Exit the room and head back North. Now head West (Up) then North (Right) and go into the Warp Chamber by the Shutter Door. Head out of the room to the South. There you will find a chest with an Eleth Bottle C inside it. Now head to the North (Right) and find the console to open the shutter. Return to the Warp and head through the door. On the other side, swap the spent battery with the Charged one you have been carrying. Now return back to Floor 1 and grab another Charged Battery. Go to the Elevator after you grab the battery and return to Basement 1. Once you arrive there, use the Elevator again to go to Basement 2 South.

Basement 2 South
Head to the North and into the nearnby room. Collect the Rare Scabbard inside the chest and continue to the North (right) and East (down). There is a Save Point at the intersection so take advantage of it. Continue East and go South. Head into the nearby room to collect an All-Divide from the chest there. Save and head North into the nearby chamber. Head to the North to trigger another cutscene. This cutscne gives Asbel the title 'Holder of Light”. Before you head through the door, investigate the dull colored blocks on the floor by the right-hand console. This gives the “Old Toy Blocks” discovery and the skit, “Cornell's Legacy”.

Head Northwest on the other side of the door and go into the room at the end of the hallway. Open the chest to the right of the door to receive an Elegant Feather. Now head back to the Southeast and continue to the Northeast at the intersection. Head into the first room along this path to find a Golden Bough. Continue North to find the next Elevator. Interact with its console to swap the spent battery for the charged one you have. Once again, return to Floor 1 and grab the final battery. Head down Basement 2, then use the Elevator again to reach Basement 3 South

Basement 3 South
Head North (right) out of the elevator chamber. Head into the first chamber to find a chest behind the tube with 705 units of Eleth. Head up to the intersection and go to the East first. Head into the first room on this branch to find a Misty Anklet. Head out and continue all the way to the North and into the room there. Inside you will find a machine suspended. Investigate it to get the “Tarlow-X” discovery and the skit, “Merely Old Junk”. Now head back to the South and go West. Head into the Warp Chamber, cross over and open the shutter. Head through the now-open doorway to the North and place the final battery in the console. Just head down to Basement 4 South.

Basement 4 South
Head North then West to reach the Save Point. Approach it for the skit, “The Origin of the Amarcians”. Head to the North and into the next room. After the cutscene, investigate each of the images of the Party Members for a scene each. Interact with Richard's last as it triggers a fight with Sophie's imaging of Lambda.

Weaknesses: Spirit, Nova, Paralysis

The biggest surprise here is Lambda is weak to A-Artes. This image is very low power so the party will not be too hurt during this match.

Head through to the North and go Northeast in the next hallway. Take the elevator up to Basement 2

Basement 2
Head into the room to the Southwest. Head into the room to trigger another cutscene and return Sophie to the Party with the “Pact Maker” title. Return to any of the nearby elevators and right up to Floor 1 and exit this dungeon to the South.