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SWTOR Walkthrough - The Face of the Enemy - Jedi Knight

You get the mission "The Face of the Enemy" as a Jedi Knight after completing the mission "Enemy Force"

Open your quest log:
The Face of the Enemy
Master Orgus has learned that the Flesh Raiders are using an energy shield to protect their camps. The shields are powered by a generator inside a heavily guarded cave deep inside Flesh Raider territory. Infiltrate the Flesh Raider cave and disable the energy shield control console so Master Orgus can strike at their camps.

Go south from the Kalikori Village into the Flesh Raider Territory. On the way, defeat 15 Flesh Raiders in Tythos Ridge to complete bonus mission "Clear Out Tythos Ridge". Make your way to the Flesh Raider Cave and enter it. Reach the Energy Shield Control Console and interact with it. After you disable it, the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr contacted you and revealed that he seeks the destruction of the Jedi Order. Master Orgus needs to be warned of Bengel Morr's threat. Your task is to return to the Matriarch's dwelling in Kalikori Village and speak with Ranna Tao'ven to see if she knows where he is.

Head back to the Kalikori Village. Talk to Ranna. You tell her that you shut down the energy shield and ask her if there is any word on Master Orgus's mission. She informs you that her mother has died and she is now the Matriarch. Suddenly Eseni storms in. She reports that Flesh Raiders have broken through their defenses and did something to their crop fields. They dropped strange machines in the soil. When a scout approached one, he collapsed with sickness. Tell them you will deal with it. You must now search the crops surrounding Kalikori village to locate and disable all the toxin mines in order to save the village.

Orgus Holocom

Go to the crop fields in the NE section of the village and disable the machines. You can find the mines by the smoke that's coming out of them. Be ready to fight Flesh Raider Saboteurs that pop out of the ground after you disable the mines. Then return to Ranna Tao'Ven. After talking to her, use your personal Holocom to contact Master Orgus. He tells you he has finally put the flesh raider base out of commission. At the Flesh Raider command base, he found coordinates to a number of secret camps -- too many to send only Jedi Masters. One camp is in the ruins of Upper Kaleth. That patrol you fought earlier was based there. Now's your chance to finish them off. If you run into Bengel, Master Orgus wants you to retreat and contact him immediately.

This completes the mission "The Face of the Enemy" and begins the Jedi Knight mission, "Dark Temptations".