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SWTOR Walkthrough - High-Tech Savages - Jedi Knight

High-Tech Savages is the 2nd Jedi Knight Class mission and it is unlocked after completing the first mission, Attack of the Flesh Raiders

Open your mission log:
High-Tech Savages
After completing your mission in the Gnarls, you spoke with Master Satele Shan, head of the Jedi Council. She discussed your encounter with the Flesh Raiders before instructing you to meet with the Jedi Council. To speak with Master Orgus and the rest of the Council, report to the Jedi Council chambers located in the upper level of the Jedi Temple.

Your task now is to report to the Jedi Council. Enter the temple and go up to the second level and enter the Jedi Council Chambers. Master Bela Kiwiiks says she searched the temple archives, the Force user leading the Flesh Raiders never received Jedi Training. Teh temple's safety is unexpectedly threatened. The Flesh Raiders were disorganized primitives before today. The man leading the Flesh Raiders probably wasn't acting alone. Much of Tython remains unexplored, and we have few resources to spare. Orgus says he will take you as his Padawan. He sends you downstairs to equip yourself with supplies from his chambers.

Go back downstairs to the lower level of the temple and locate to the supply cabinet in his chambers to the SE. Master Orgus comes and speaks to you. He tells you that there's a group of Twi'lek pilgrims on Tython. They've been fighting the Flesh Raiders for months. The Republic asked us to deny those Twi'leks aid, they settled here illegally, but quite frankly, we need them. When Tython was first rediscovered, the Twi'leks petitioned the Senate to settle here. Their claim was denied -- too dangerous -- but they came anyway. The Twileks have a settlement in the mountains. That's your next stop. Establish a base camp and speak to the Matriarch. Find out everything the Twi'leks know about the Flesh Raiders.

Your task is now to speak to Matriarch Sumari. If you want to sell some items before leaving to make some room in your inventory and repair your armor, head to the Cantina in the south of the Jedi Temple and speak with the vendors there. Exit the temple and go east. Cross the bridge and follow the road to the Kalikori Village. Locate the Matriarch's building on the west side of the village. Talk to Matriarch Sumari. You tell her Master Orgus Din has send you to help them fight the Flesh Raiders. She will tell you her scouts have tracked the Flesh Raiders for months, watched them grow in strength. She will share what they've discovered, but only if you agree to protect her people. Scout Chief Moorint tells you that the enemy has a camp in the valley nearby, and that the Flesh Raiders store their weapons and other tech in a cave. Removing that technology will neutralize the Flesh Raiders. We need to strike fear into the Flesh Raiders, sabotage their weapons. Their technology is standard Republic design. We could oveload the power circuits and plasma coils. He shows you how. Ranna Tao'Ven tells you that if you brought their technology here, they could defend themselves with those weapons. Her people aren't afraid to fight for their homes, they just lack the means.

You'll need one of the leaders' access key to get inside that cave. Your task now is to recover a key from a Flesh Raider Warmaster. Exit the Matriarch Building and leave the Kalikori Village taking the road to the Southeast to The Hollows and through Tythos Ridge. On the way you can defeat Flesh Raider Tech Salvagers and Pillagers for the bonus mission "Low-Tech Methods". Enter the cave leading to the Upper Hollows. Work your way to the North part of the caverns. Defeat the Flesh Raider Warmaster and loot the Flesh Raider Gate Key from him. Unlock the Tech Cache Gate behind him.

The Cache contains weapons and technology the Flesh Raiders use to raid and hunt the Twi'leks. You can either Take if for the Villagers (LIGHT), Sabotage it to kill enemies (DARK), or leave it alone (Neutral).

SWTOR Tech Cache

T7-01 shows up. He was captured by Flesh Raiders and needs rescuing. Tell it to consider itself rescued. The T7 is a Jedi reconnasisance droid. Its mission parameters is to scout the wilderness and identify hazards. Its restraining bolt is faulty and malfunctioning, and the sensors were unable to detect the Flesh Raider Ambush. So it simulated deactivation and used the spy camera to record Flesh Raider allies. T7 projects the footage of what transcribed. Bengell Morr tells Callef to teach their soldiers how to use weapons, and to train them on the Twi'lek invaders. Callef asks when they will strike against the Jedi. Bengel Morr replies that the Jedi will fall when the Flesh Raider army reaches full strength.

T7 asks you to take him to safety and remove restraining bolt. Tell him that you will remove it. T7 now becomes your first companion! He will fight alongside you against enemies.

Your task now is to return to Matriarch Sumari. Exit the caverns and head back to the Kalikori Village. After talking with Master Orgus, speak to Ranna Tao'Ven. She will praise your deeds. Ask for the information. Scout Chief Moorint tells you that the enemy already controls the mountains around us, and now they're invading the ruins of Kaleth. They were spotted at the remains of an ancient shrine, close to your Jedi Temple. Master Orgus Din says that Kaleth was a great city of Force users. Its ruins hold powers they still don't understand. The Flesh Raiders are looking for something there. Master Orgus tells you to do whatever it takes to push the Flesh Raiders out of Kaleth. He will send you reinforcements as soon as possible. He warns you not to engage the hooded figure if you see him.

This completes the mission "High-Tech Savages" and starts the next mission, "Enemy Force".