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SWTOR Walkthrough - Imperial Agent - Claim Your New Identity

Prologue: The Imperial Agent
It is a pivotal time for the SITH EMPIRE. Having secured an uneasy truce with the Galactic Republic, the Empire now seeks allies among the neutral systems. The foul planet HUTTA is the Empire's latest target, but its wealthy and corrupt crime lords refuse to take sides in the cold war between Republic and Empire. To tip the scales, Imperial Intelligence's latest shadowy operative has been dispatched to Hutta under command of the Empire's mysterious spymaster....

Receive the secure transmission from Keeper. He will give you your orders. You were chosen for this operation because of your exemplary performance during training. Imperial Intelligence needs agents capable of working independently in the field. Now you apply your training to the real world. Nem'ro the Hutt and his organization run Jiguuna, and you're in town to convince Nem'ro to supply the Empire. Jiguuna is an industrial town, and Nem'ro rungs most of the industry. The Hutt plies weapons, drugs and raw materials, but not to us. We believe Nem'ro has been reluctant to lose Republic customers by publicly siding with the Empire. It's time he overcame this reluctance. We need to know what Nem'ro and his advisors are thinking before we can act. Keeper wants you to obtain access to the Nem'ro clan's inner circle. You'll require a cover identity. One of the contacts, an alien named Jheeg, has prepared a background for you and will provide the details. Jheeg will be waiting for you at a safe house. Locate him, take what he offers, then report to to Keeper. Your combat training should see you through, but expect brutality and expect to be targeted. Jiguuna isn't friendly to strangers.

Press "L" to open the mission log:

Claim Your New Identity
Your first mission as an Imperial agent brings you to Hutta. Your handler, Keeper, has ordered you to assume a cover identity and convince Nem'ro the Hutt to ally with the Empire. The first step is to contact Jheeg, an Imperial asset in the town of Jiguuna; he will brief you on your cover. Meet Jheeg at his safe house in Jiguuna.

Press "M" to open your map, and locate the exit from The Poison Pit to the south. Exit to Hutta, then go a short way south and enter a circular structure where Jheeg is. Talk to him. He has a cover for you as Red Blade. Small-time pirate. Rich. Mysterious. No one knows true species, gender, color. Jheeg planted rumors. Made Nem'ro think the Red Blade is coming to visit--enjoy the Hutt palace, do business. You will be the Blade. No one will doubt you. The Real Blade is far away now, looking for new trade in the Outer Rim. Out of contact; won't cause trouble. Only one concern: Jheeg arranged tribute for Nem'ro, gifts imported from empire. But there was interference at spaceport. The Fa'athra Gang stole from the docks. Dangerous men, unaware of us. Nem'ro's tribute was taken. You need to eliminate gang members and recover the gifts.


Your task now is to infiltrate the Gangster Hideout and recover the stolen tribute. Their hideout is in a building to the SW. Enter the hideout. Eliminate 3 Fa'athra Thieves to complete the bonus mission "Leave No Witnesses".  The stolen cargo is in a circular room to the south guarded by a master thief. Kill the thief and recover the tribute.

Return to Jheek. Ask him what the gifts are. He will tell you they are Frivolous, expensive, Aurodium idols from Republic royalty, Tarul wine from Naboo and Tomuon Wool Hutt robes. Keeper will brief you. Your next task is to access Nem'ro's inner circle. Present yourself to the Hutt as a fellow gangster- the red blade - and offer him Jheeg's gifts. One of the gifts is implanted with a listening device, which we will use to monitor conversations within Nemro's palace. At this juncture, our primary goal is to find weaknesses in Nem'ro's organization. Even if the Hutt won't join us, we might influence his lieutenants. Talk to Nem'ro and his men. Determine who we can turn and how we can sway them. We will be listening. Keeper also tells you to lose your imperial accent, and contact him from the cantina once Nemro has his presents.

This completes the mission "Claim your New Identity" and starts the next mission, "Soiree".