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SWTOR Walkthrough - The New Truth - Imperial Agent

Your Imperial Agent will get the mission "The New Truth" after having completed "Change of Plans"

Open the mission log:

The New Truth
Working undercover as "The Red Blade" you've been assigned to convince Nem'ro the Hutt and the lieutenants to ally with the Empire. You're on the verge of success, if you can only fake evidence that Nem'ro's rival, Fa'athra, is in league with the Republic. You'll need access to Fa'athra's archives to obtain the materials for a forgery. Acquire the access codes by defeating Fa'athra's lieutenants at Fa'athra's Palace.

Your first task is to acquire two access codes. The palace is to the south of the Rust Yards, so you should take a taxi to the Rust Yards.

If you check your mail, Keeper has sent you a follow-up on Karrels Javis:

With Karrels Javis's death, his surviving son is a potential loose end. I'm clearing you for status updates in case matters get complicated. See forward below.

To: Keeper
From: Watcher Three
Subject: Follow-up on Karrels Javis
We beleive Vargai Javis (brother of Serjil, son of Karrels) is the only individual with motive and means to perform a more thorough investigation into Karrels Javis's death. Vargai is currently recovering from injuries aboard the hospital ship Anodyne, but we can arrange for an asset to alter the chemical balance of his kolto tank. His recovery time can be extended indefinately, and he can be removed as an active threat without drawing suspicion.

From Rust Yards, take the road south. Enter Fa'athra's Palace. Kill Fa'athra's Palace Lieutenants to get two access codes. Then, your task is to access the Fa'athra's Archives to download the holorecords. This is on the second floor of Fa'athra's Palace. Enter the room and access the Holo Archives.  Nohn Veyaiko, one of Fa'ahtra's advisors, shows up. He and Kaliyo are old rivals. If you tell him that he can't beat you, he proposes a deal. He will turn his back on this scene and depart the archives, and you will not shoot him on your way out. He will mention none of this to Fa'athra. He will also transfer a sum of credits to your account.

Your choices will be:
All Right (LIGHT)
Whatever (LIGHT)
I don't thinks do (DARK)

After the encounter, proceed to download the holoarchives. Kaliyo tells you that there's going to be a bloodbath once Nem'ro and Toth'lazhen see what's on the disc. If that disc really names all of Fa'athra's business partners, it probably identified half the people in Jiguuna. Merchants, gangsters, debtors - the usual scum. When Nem'ro gets ahold of it, he'll want revenge on anyone who dared to go to Fa'athra behind his back. There'll be bodies clogging the gutters for weeks. She says you could always erase the extra data and scratch up the disc, make it look like only the doctored recording miraculously survived the damage. We deliver Keeper's forgery without the real data. Nem'ro doesn't get his revenge spree. The risk is that Toth'lazhen figures out you erased the good stuff.

The choices are:
No taking chances (DARK)
Let's erase it (LIGHT)
We'll chance it. It'll be fun (LIGHT)

Faathra Palace Holoterminal

Your task now is to deliver your faked "evidence" to Toth'lazhen in Nem'ro's palace. You give him the disc. He contacts Nem'ro who is furious that Fa'athra is allied with the Republic and has employed Republic men to fight the Nem'ro clan. Tell him it's time to find allies.

Then head to your suite and use the holoterminal to report the success of your mission on Hutta to Keeper. He tells you that Nem'ro is already contacting Imperial embassies, looking to establish relations. In the short term, our chemical and stimulant stockpiles will nearly double. In the long term, we're a step closed to bringing all of Hutta under Imperial control. Darth Jadus will be very pleased. Your future with Imperial Intelligence looks bright. Your mission is now complete. There's a shuttle waiting for you in Jiguuna. It will take you to Dromund Kaas. Once you've arrived on planet, report to Imperial Intelligence headquarters in the Citadel. He will debrief you there.

This completes the mission "The New Truth" and starts the mission "Nothing is Ever Easy"