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SWTOR Walkthrough - Change of Plans - Imperial Agent

You receive the mission "Change of Plans" after doing the mission "Economies of Scale".

Open your mission log:

Change of Plans
Unforseen circumstances have turned Karrels Javis - the Empire's closes ally inside Nem'ro the Hutt's organization - into a liability. Keeper has ordered you to kill Karrels frame Fa'athra the Hutt and suggest that Karrel's murder was accomplished with Republic aid. Keeper has given you a Republic computer Spike. Use it to slice into Karrels Javis's security system down the hallway between your suite and his within Nem'ro's palace.

Your first task is to slice Karrels' Security Terminal. It is in the hallway near your room. Next, you must defeat Karrels' Bodyguards. Enter the suite to the north. Then, speak to Karrels Javis. He asks you what's going on.

You can tell him:
It had to be done
I can help you
Time to die (DARK) (will initiate attack)

The next options, will be:
It's a shame it came to this (DARK)
You need to go into hiding
I'm going to win (DARK)

The battle that erupts can be pretty tough, especially if your character is level 6 or lower. Karrel is a level 8 elite. Make sure to find good cover as you stand no chance if you attack him in the open. Use your grenades and explosives to cause a lot of damage, and keep using snipe as the primary attack Be ready to use a medpac if your health runs low.

After you Kill Karrels, you must give the news to Nem'ro's second lieutenant, Toth'lazhen, in Nem'ro's palace. Speak to Toth'lazhen. The Nemro Holo is angry about Fa'athra murdering Karrels and he wants Toth'lazhen to find out how Fa'athra managed to do that. Toth'lazhen tells you that he assumed you'd been killed by the men who came for Karrels Javis. Pretend you do not know what he is talking about and ask him "What happened?". Toth'lazhen tells you about the assassination of Karrels. He says he will allow you to be part of the Nem'ro clan's response to this incident, and to avenge your friend. Tell him you're in. This assault by Fa'athra is unprecedented, but we should not be surprised by his boldness; he hires more mercenaries and bounty hunters daily. Toth'lazhen fears Fa'athra has outside help. During the assault, their surveillance monitors were disabled using Republic protocols and technology. If Fa'athra has brokered a deal with Republic politicians, we will need to answer his newfound strength. He wants you to speak to your contacts and your business partners to help find Karrels's killers.

SWTOR Nemro Holo

Go to your suite to use your holoterminal. Kaliyo Dhannis is waiting for you there. She knows what you did to Karrels. She wants in on whatever you are after. You an tell her:
All Right... (LIGHT)
You're deluded (LIGHT)
This is the end for you (DARK)

Whatever you tell her, Keeper shows up on the Holoterminal. He offers Kaliyo a deal. Keeper tells her he represents Imperial Inteligence. They are aware of her activities on Rattatak, Ord Mantell, and Brentaal Four, as well as her affiliations. Her skills could prove useful, and they are willing to offer a place in their ranks. Kaliyo would become a very well-paid servant of the empire. Kaliyo turns to you and asks you if you want her on your side. Tell her you'll have a good time. She tells Keeper to count her in.

Keeper now gives you your next assignment. Toth'lazhen is convinced that Fa'athra the Hutt is a major threat to business. Now we must bring Toth'lazhen proof that Fa'athra has support from the Republic. The first step is to obtain a holodisc from Fa'athra's palace. The disc contains holorecordings of all Fa'athra's dealings; the Hutt is too paranoid for his own good. You'll have to break into the archives to get it. It'll mean lifting security codes off the palace overseers. Once you reach the archives, use this computer spike on the holodisc. It will be altered to show Fa'athra meeting with Republic officers. Then, bring the forgery to Toth'lazhen. With Toth'lazhen convinced that his enemies are allied with the Galactic Republic, have no doubt - he will turn to the Sith Empire for help. We are in the endgame. Kaliyo will accompany you on this mission and will act under your command.

This unlocks Kaliyo as your companion, concludes the mission "Change of Plans" and starts the next mission, "The New Truth"