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SWTOR Walkthrough - Economies of Scale - Imperial Agent

You get the mission "Economies of Scale" after doing the mission "Subverting Karrels Javis"

Open your mission log:
Economies of Scale
Working undercover as the pirate "the Red Blade," you've been assigned to sabotage Fa'athra the Hutt's gas mining operations in the Rust Yards. This will help your relationship with Karrels Javis, as well as ensure that the gas supply is not disrupted.

First, take some of the explosives from the crate delivered to your suite in Nem'ro's palace. The Smuggled Explosives Crate is near the south wall. Now, you must obtain one of the guards' uniforms in order to get past facility security. Your task is to eliminate one of the Fa'athra industrial guards in the gas mining facility and steal his uniform.

Travel to the Rust Yards, located on the far east of the map and enter the Gas Mining Facility. Kill a Fa'athra Industrial Guard and loot the Guard Disguise from him. Equip the Guard Disguise. Your task is now to gain access to the Drill Chamber. Use the access panel in the Rust Yards' gas mining facility to gain access.

Climb the ramp on the west to level 2 of the gas mining facility. Go south, and use the access panel. The plant computer will say "Cartel representative identity confirmed, entry authorized.". Enter and interact with the mine shaft. Now you must plant the explosives in the shaft. Your task now will be to destroy the droid reinforcements that respond to the alarm. After killing them, you need to report this sabotage to Karrels Javis back in the palace.

Karrels asks you about the explosions in the Rust Yards. Take credit for that. Karrels congratulates you and tells you he has sent a reward to your room. Your task now is to claim Karrel's reward from your suite. When you enter the suite however, you surprise some intruders inside. Targen and this thugs were planting listening devices in your room. When Targen talks to you, you can choose to attack right away for some Dark Force points, or keep talking to him to get more information. They were paid pretty well. Luunti was installing a listening device before you interrupted. You can choose to deal with him (LIGHT) or keep talking, and in the end you will most likely find yourself in a battle with the gang. Defeat Targen's Gang.

SWTOR Targen Gang

Claim Karrel's Reward from a container on the desk. It is a Hutta Gangster's knife. Make sure to equip it. Then use the Holoterminal to contact Keeper. Nemro's shvash gas production is back on schedule. However, unforeseen circumstances have caused a problem. It's not the people who broke into your room. Three days ago, Karrels Javis's sons encountered a Sith apprentice in Imperial space. A dispute broke out. One son died, and the other was crippled. When Karrels hears that a Sith slaughtered his child, his sympathy for the Empire will evaporate. We can no longer use him to get to Nem'ro. He needs Karrels out of the way.

Keeper tells you he is sending you an interference program on a computer spike. Go to Karrels's suites in the palace. Activate the spike to black out his security monitors. You'll be able to eliminate Karrels and his bodyguards without being seen. When Nem'ro's people investigate, they'll recognize the jamming program as Republic technology. Toth'lazhen, Nem'ro's Twilek advisor, already expects Fa'athra to seek revenge for the destruction of his mines. Our job is to show that the Republic helped Fa'athra kill Karrels. Once Karrels is gone, speak to Toth'lazhen about his suspicions. As Karrels's friend, you'll promise to do whatever it takes to find the assassins.

This concludes the mission "Economies of Scale" and begins the mission "Change of Plans".