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SWTOR Walkthrough - Pilgrims - Jedi Consular

You get the mission "Pilgrims" after completing the first Jedi Consular mission, "The Path of a Jedi"

Open your mission log:

Master Yvon Par has tasked you with locating and retrieving the missing hologram of Rajivari, the first fallen Jedi. She suspects that someone from the Twi'lek village of Kalikori may be responsible and that Bashenn, captain of the village guard, may know more. Find Bashen in Kalikori village.

Your first task in this mission is to speak to Bashenn. Take the road leading east from the Jedi Temple, cross the bridge, and up the hills. Talk to Bashenn, who is standing on a platform in the center of the village. They are getting ready for the Festival of Awakening. You tell him that Master Yuon Par asks if he has seen a Jedi holoprojector. He tells you Nalen Raloch found one. Nalon Raloch is their dueling champion for nine years straight. He once rescued an entire scouting party from Flesh Raiders, single-handed. Bashenn refuses to tell you where Nalen is

Your dialog options are:
But he could be in danger (LIGHT)
The Jedi would be grateful (LIGHT)
You're making me very angry (DARK)

Choosing a (LIGHT) answer increases your Force alignment towards light, and a (DARK) answer brings you closer to the dark side of the Force. Answers affect how certain aspects of the story pan out. Also, as you increase in rank towards LIGHT or DARK you get access to specific equipment.

You learn that Nalen went into the Flesh Raiders' territory. Your task now is to find Nalen Raloch's Camp. From the Kalikori village, follow the road Southeast into the Flesh Raider territory. Find Nalen's camp inside a cave. He is not there. Your task now is to search through his belongings for the missing holoprojector. Reach the far end of the cave. The holoprojector is there standing on a crate. Interact with it. Nalen Raloch suddenly shows up. He asks you why have you come. Tell him you came to retrieve Rajivari's holoprojector. Turns out he is crazy and seems himself as the savior of his people. He has used the projector to learn to use the force. He causes the caverns to start collapsing.

SWTOR Pilgrims Mission for Jedi Consular

Nalon Raloch is collapsing the cave around you. Fight your way through the Flesh Raiders he attracted and escape from the cave. On your way out, kill 6 Flesh Raiders for bonus mission: Survival of the Fittest. After leaving the cave with the hologram of Master Rajivari, your task now is to report back to Master Yuon Par at the Jedi Temple.

She tells you she just spoke to Ranna Tao'Ven, the daughter of Kalikori village's matriarch, concerning your visit there. Tell her about your mission. Report that the holoprojector was stolen by a Twi'lek and that he learned Force techniques from Rajivari's hologram. She activates the hologram and learns from it about the Fount of Rajivari which is a great archive of Rajivari's knowledge and teachings. The hologram said to follow where the first blade points, from the sanctuary of the order. This refers to the ruins of Kaleth which means "sanctum". It's the remains of an ancient fortress. Evidence suggests Kaleth was destroyed in a great battle; old droids still walk those ruins today. But this "first blade" is a puzzle. It is not a lightsaber, as lightsabers had yet to be invented. She tells you to focus on exploring Kaleth for this "first blade" and to call her on your holocommunicator at once if you have any success.

This completes the mission "Pilgrims" and starts the next Jedi Consular mission, "Trials in Kaleth"