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SWTOR Companion Mission - Airing Grievances - Aric Jorgan - Trooper

"Airing Grievances" is the first companion mission you receive as a trooper from Aric Jorgan.

Talk to Aric Jorgan in a rest zone (such as a cantina) when you see the gold mission marker on top of his head:

Aric Jorgan: "So: Havoc Squd. Best of the best. Can't say I'm thrilled about the demotion, but it's an honor to be here, sir"

Your dialog options will be:
Welcome aboard.
Still angry?
You're in my world now.

Choose the first option for maximum affection gain (15 affection points). The second and third option will result in affection loss.

You tell him that you realize the circumstances weren't ideal, but you're glad he is with you.

Jorgan tells you that a spot is Havoc is the least they could have done. He spent four years at the academy, seven years in the field, decorations, commendations... He would've been captain soon if Command hadn't hung him out to dry.

SWTOR Airing Grievances

Dialog wheel will now show:
I agree, that was unfair.
You kind of deserved it.
Get over it.

Choose first option for another gain of 15 affection, or the other two options for some loss of affection. You tell him that you know Tavus's defection wasn't his fault. He will affirm that Command put him in Havoc to help you find Tavus and he intends to do just that. He has hunted Imperials from one side of the galaxy to the next. Used to command the Deadeyes - finest squad in the Republic.

Your dialog choices are:
Glad to hear it
The Dead Eyes?
How good are you at cleaning?

You can guess that if you choose the third option, you will lose some affection with him. If you ask him about the Dead Eyes, he promises to tell you about them sometime.

The mission ends with a reward of experience, and a gain or loss of affection points, depending on what choices you made while in the conversation.