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SWTOR Walkthrogh - Allegiance - Korriban - Sith

"Allegiance" is a level 5 mission. Talk to Inquisitor Arzanon standing just outside the Sith Academy, close to the Taxi Pad:

Inquisitor Arzanon: You wear the robes of a Sith, but you are not one of us, alien. I look at you and I wonder... are you among the truly loyal, or do you hide treason in your heart?

Your dialog options are:
What an insulting question.
I don't answer to strangers.
What a stupid question.

Choose any of the options. If you choose the second one,  you ask him who he is. You find out Arzanon is the head of Academy Security. Intelligence reports indicate this valley shelters traitors - acolytes who seek to destroy our Emperor's carefully built order and replace it with their own weak-minded heresies. The Intelligence Officer near him adds that the traitors hide among the faithful and obedient, but will destroy us all, given the chance.

Academy Security has watched as the traitors scuttle about this valley and plot against us. We know their faces and their names. It is the Emperor's will that the sands of Korriban be slaked with the blood of these traitors. Prove your allegiance by executing them.

You can respond with:
I'll do as you commend.
Do they have to die?
No. [Refuse Quest]

If you ask him whether they really have to die, he tells you that treason is a crime with only one punishment: death.

The Intelligence Officer says she will give you the means to identify the traitors, and wants you to eliminate enough of them to prove your loyalty, then return to Inquisitor Arzanon. Arzanon adds that he will be watching your progress with great interest.

Open your mission log:

Inquisitor Arzanon, head of Academy security, has tasked you with rooting out and destroying the Sith acolyte traitors who plot to overthrow the Empire. Use Inquisitor Arzanon's ID scanner to identify the traitors among the acolyte initiates in the Valley of the Dark Lords. If they are found to be disloyal, punish them.

Your task is to scan and defeat four Acolyte Initiates.

Open your map and locate the waypoint in the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can get there by taking the road south, then going east. Go there and find Acolyte Initiates. Initially their name will display in green, so you cannot attack them. Open your inventory and click on the Mission Items tab. In there you should have:

ID Scanner
Mission Item
Identified a non-absolved Acolyte Initiate as traitorous or innocent.
This scanner has a database of the known Sith traitors. Scan acolyte initiates to determine if they are in the database.

SWTOR Allegiance Quest

Have an Acolyte Initiate targeted, then right click on the ID Scanner. It will say "Comparing Identity" and when it finishes scanning it will either tell you that target is not in traitor database, or that  a traitor has been identified and the he will turn red (enemy). If you have identified a traitor, kill him. If it says "Effect Condition Failed" it usually means that another player had just scanned that Acolyte, just search for another one. If it says "Target not Enemy" then make sure you are scanning an initiate and not a different type of acolyte.

Defeat 4 traitors, then return to Inquisitor Arzanon near the Academy Taxi Pad to report your success. He gives you a badge which marks you as a defender of the Empire (Korriban Commendation). This concludes the mission "Allegiance".