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Deus Ex Human Revolution Missing Link Walkthrough Part 1 – Getting Out Of The Frying Pan: Escaping And Finding My Gear

Deus Ex Human Revolution Missing Link Walkthrough Part 1 – Getting Out Of The Frying Pan: Escaping And Finding My Gear

Jensen is being roughly interrogated by the Lieutenant Keitner. What choices you make in the second part of the dialogue determine what your loadout will be shortly:

No: Stun Gun, 5 Stun Darts
    Redirect – EMP Grenade
    Threaten – Gas Grenade

Yes – Pistol
    Redirct – Silencer Upgrade, Concussion Grenade
    Threaten – 5 Pistol Ammo, Frag Grenade

After she leaves and Jensen tries to contact Pritchard, something happens. This shuts down the EMP generator in the chair and frees Jensen. Here you can either take things stealthily or go out there guns blazing.

Crouch and head out of the interrogation room. Just outside, to the left, there is a crate. Lift it and you will see that a crawl space below it. If you want some extra experience, turn to the right and hack, but do not open, the door there. Open the grate on it and head through. Go right and follow it through to the end. Open the grate above you and hop out.

Head over to the nearby door and open it up while the guards are still talking. Keep in a crouch and move through to the other side of the room when the guards are looking away. Duck behind the crates and wait for the two guards to face away. When they do, go through the door on the right-hand side of the corridor. Jump over the crates inside, take a look at the eBook on the car and feel free to grab the beer sitting on the table nearby the grate. Open that grate and head through it.

Head to the door of this room and wait for the guard to move away. Take down his friend then move to the door. While he has his back turned sneak up behind him and take him down as well. Loot them to get shotgun shells, credits and a protein bar. Now head out of the room and to the right into the next room. Inside this room you need to hack the door. You can also just punch in the code: 3713 to open it up. Head forward, jumping over the crates, and climb the ladder to get closer to your gear.

At the top of the ladder, immediately take down the guy there. Loot him to get a pocket secretary with the passcode for the laser grid: 4867. Now go right and use the new passcode on the wall terminal by you. Slip underneath the camera and when it looks away, head through the door opposite you. Head to the back right of this room to find another grate. Open it up and head into it.

In the crawl space, head to the left (the right-hand passage way is electrified). Head forward and take a quick detour on the left passage to find a pocket secretary with an interesting message and the passcode for the room with your gear, CMPT-01 D-01: 1923. DO not go up through this grate as it will leave you exposed to two guards. Return to the main passage and go left. Follow it to the end and head out through the grate there.

Inside this room, look on the crate to your left. You will find two blank mines, as well as a frag and gas grenade. Slip out of the room after the guard has moved on. Head for the far door and wait by the containers on the other side. The patrolling guard will come back this way and that is when you will want to take him down. Creep along the other side of the room now and take down the guard in the middle of the corridor. Now make your way back to the ladder you climbed up. Punch in the code 1923 to get inside. Read the pocket secretary that is sitting on the crates nearby to learn something of what is going on. Head across them to find your gear plus whatever bonuses you have earned thus far.