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SWTOR Walkthrough - Early Lessons - Tython

At the outpost in The Gnarls, speak to Master Relnex to receive this quest:

Master Relnex: Padawan, come here quickly! The training grounds are not safe today.

You can reply to him with the following options:
That's why I'm here
Tell me what you know
Out of my way, guard

Choose the second option. You tell Relnex you got a basic briefing from Knight Weller, but you would like a full report before going in. Master Relnex briefs you that the Flesh Raiders moved into the training grounds organized and ready, attempting to isolate various groups of Padawans. There's a group of students in the hills we lost track of. They're not combat trained.

Your dialog wheel choices are:
I'll bring them back
What do you need me to do?
I'm busy [Refuse quest]

Choose the first option to promise Master Relnex that you will make sure the Padawans get home safe.

Master Relnex gives you a beacon. He wants you to find the Padawans and set the beacon, then an evac shuttle can be sent to evacuate them. A group of Jedi from the temple is headed this way but maybe not fast enough. May the Force be with you.

Check the mission log:

Early Lessons
Master Relnex has become concerned about a group of lost Padawans in the Gnarls. Flesh Raiders have been moving into the area, and the unprepared Padawans may have entered a fight they couldn't win. Master Relex asked you to locate the lost Padawans and find out if they're injured... or worse. Locate the lost Padawans in the Gnarls and find out what happened to them.

Your task is to find the missing students. Open the map and locate the waypoint, which should be to the NE of where the quest giver is. Follow the road there, crossing the bridge, then east, then around the mountain to reach the lost party of Padawans. One of them seems injured. Speak with Padawan Avitla. She is talking to Padawan Mennaus who is examining the injured student. They are considering to press on. Padawan Avitla wants Mennaus to give the injured Padawan the last of the Kolto so that he can fight. Avitla turns to you and is happy to see another Padawan alive out here that has not been caught by the creatures.

SWTOR Early Lessons

Your options are:
You must be the lost Padawans
These animals are no threat

Try the third option. Padawan Mennaus says they came seeking knowledge of the Jedi Code, but a Flesh Raider interrupted their trial. They killed the Flesh Raider, but Padawan Jerridan was badly injured in the fight. Your choices are:
I'm surprised you killed one
Is he ok?
What a sorry bunch

Choose any option. Choosing the third option mocks them on how they cannot handle a single Flesh Raider, but they tell you they are not warriors, and it is not the Jedi way to seek revenge. But Padawan Avita disagrees and wants to press on with the trials. Jedi don't give up. But Mennaus recites the Jedi Code: "There is no passion, there is serenity".

Avita turns to you and wants you to help them get revenge and make the Flesh Raiders pay. Your options are:
You're going home - now (LIGHT)
Let's get revenge (DARK)

Choosing the first option gives you 50 light points, and the second option gives you  50 dark points.

If you choose the first option, you tell them they are walking a dangerous path. She and her friends need to get back to camp while they still can. They tell you to hand them the signal beacon, and as soon as they have gathered their things, they will signal for a ride back. Your task now is to return to Master Relnex at the outpost.

If you choose the second option, you agree to help them teach the monsters to stay out of the Gnarls. If you can take the Flesh Raiders head on, the Padawans can come around and flank them. When you are finished, let the Watchmen at camp know that the Padawans are coming back, it just may take them a while. This unlocks two new tasks of defeating 10 Flesh Raiders, and destroying  3 Flesh Raider Supplies. Complete those tasks.

If you told the Padawans to return, Master Relnex informs you that the beacon worked, and a rescue speeder is on its way. You really came through for those Padawans. Your final dialog options are:
The students will need help
I found enemies everywhere
You really failed at your job

Choose the first option to tell Relnex about the injured student. A medic will be have to sent with the rescue team. Relnex tells you it is standard procedure, and they are in good hands. You probably want to get back to your trials.

If you helped the Padawans get revenge, you tell Relnex that you have cleared a path for the Padawans but it might take a while until they come back. He tells you that this is not what the council wanted, but still thanks you for letting him know they were safe.

This completes the mission "Early Lessons" and you get some boots as a reward.