Game Guides > pc game > all pc > Plays December 11, 2011

Tom Orry, Editor - Gears of War 3, Xbox 360

Gears of War 3 screenshot

There are times during Gears of War 3 when it's hard to believe the game is running on the same console that gave us the launch line-up six years ago. The game Epic has created is easily the most impressive looking game I've seen running on the now close-to-retirement console, sporting a crispness and lighting quality that is rarely seen. I've always been a huge Gears fan, largely due to the incredible production values, and Gears 3 definitely feels like the most refined game in the series. I'm loving the campaign so far, although I have to admit that the baby corpsers freak me out.

Neon Kelly, Deputy Editor - Flick Kick Football, iOS, Android

football -

I've not had much time for proper gaming over the past week, being more preoccupied with attending (and subsequently recovering from) the stag do of a certain Wesley Yin-Poole. During a quiet(ish) moment of hangover recovery, the latter introduced me to PikPok's Flick Kick Football. [virgin]My mate[/virgin]Wez and his brother were notching up scores in the early 70s; predictably, I struggled to manage more than four or five goals in a row. Given my utter lack of coherence when it comes to kicking a real ball, I can only conclude that Flick Kick Football is a devastatingly accurate simulation of how I would fare in a real-world free kick situation.

TLDR: I am football fail.

Martin Gaston, Previews Editor - Saints Row: The Third, PS3

Saints Row: The Third screenshot

If a picture says a thousand words, then imagine this landscape in your mind: a coarse gang war has resulted in a mansion house party succumbing to attack from an army of gun-toting strippers, and the only possible avenue for retaliation is to pick one of the barely-clothed exotic dancers and use her as a human shield. And you're wearing a gimp suit with no trousers. And your guns fire explosive bullets. And underneath your gimp mask you're wearing evil clown makeup. And you can fly a helicopter. And you just blew up a group of enemies on the balcony with a predator missile. And your car is a stolen police vehicle painted pink and fitted with nitrous.

I think that picture, all things considered, is even more fun than being tied up and spanked.

Emily Gera, Staff Writer - Star wars: Galaxies, PC

Star Wars Galaxies: Episode III Rage of the Wookiees screenshot

Good news, everyone! One week to go in SWG and I can finally start playing games that were made in this decade. If you've been following my weekly playthrough you'll be familiar with the lonely, bizarre experience of playing a nearly dead MMO. I've spent days travelling to different areas to find another player on my server to no avail – until the other night! Finally, three weeks in to my SWG experience and I found someone dancing alone in Mos Eisley. Talk about a visual metaphor. Highlight of the game so far anyway. Stay tuned next week when I stay up until roughly 5AM to see how the game dies.