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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 11 – Lothering and the Imperial Highway

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 11 – Lothering and the Imperial Highway

When you head for the world map from Flemeth's Hut, you only have one destination, Lothering. Choose to go there. Likely you will have a random encounter on the way but nothing too bad. During it you will see a cutscene with Loghain struggling to gain control of Ferelden.

Once the cutscene finishes is when you run into the Mabari that you helped back in camp. Just after you are attacked by a group of darkspawn. While there are a good number, seven or so, you are well equipped now to handle them.

At the end of the fight the Mabari will formally join your party. You get to name him. Now continue north to return to the world map to finish the trek to Lothering.

*This village will become inaccessible once you complete particular quest inside the game, like “The Urn Of Sacred Ashes”,  or one of the main storyline quests.

When you get there you will a group of Highwaymen. You can either pay them, fight them and let them go (after getting information out of them and possibly loot too) or get their stuff then kill them. Whatever you decide, be sure to investigate the dead templar nearby. You will get a side quest, “The Fallen Templar” for grabbing the note on him. If you are after the bandit's treasure, just head around the barricade and loot the nearby chests.

Head down the bridge and go to the right to descend to the ground below. Once there you have a  cutscene with Morrigan and Alistair. The goal of it is to help you get a plan in place to handle the massive task of gathering your army. After it you are free to wander the village. There is at least one party member you can recruit here and a number of small side quest you can complete.

Head into the Refugee camp and explore it a little. You will find a few crates to loot. Now head for Lothering itself to the north. Talk with the Templar to learn who you should talk to to find out more of the happenings in town. Head toward the church. You will find a businessman arguing with a chanter. You can have a few options, especially with good Coercion, this is the side quest “The Unscrupulous Merchant”. You can side with the Merchant, get money and chase of the Chanter.

After that, head over to the Temple of Light.  Next to Brother Devons is the Chanter's Board. Here you can pick up a number of quest to do. If you head into the Temple courtyard you will find the Doomsayer. This is a simple matter of how you want to deal with this madman. You can get him to be quiet any number of ways and get some experience out of it. Still, help him with some fear mongering and you can get 45 silver in addition to the experience for your efforts. Inside the Chantry you can complete “The Fallen Templar”, collect multiple codex entries “Imperial Chantry in the back right room, “Adventures of Black Fox” to the left, behind it you will find a locked chest with some goods, give tithe to the Revered Mother and learn more about things in town.

Head across the bridge. To the left to talk with Allison, and provided you meet the requirements, you will get the side quest “Traps are a Girl's Best Friend”. Head opposite her to talk with Elder Miriam to receive the side quest “More Than Just Plants”. Now head east into Dane's Refuge. There is a refugee that will warn you there is something bad brewing inside the tavern. He will let you take some more credit for driving off the highwaymen as well. Finish talking with him then head into the tavern.

Inside the tavern you will run into some of Loghain's men. A Sister will step forward to attempt to defend you, Leliana. You can attempt to talk your way out of it, but it will not go well. She will aid in the battle that starts. Focus on the commander and the battle will end when he is low on health. You can kill him, let him go or have him carry a message to Loghain. After the fight Leliana will declare she will join your party. You can talk your way out of this, but she offers the Bard specialization and is one of the romance options in the game. Have her join the party. Turn to the east and talk with the Blackstone Irregular Liaison to gain access to their side quests (be sure to take the side quest “Scrapping the Barrel” as you can work on it along side an upcoming quest). After all that is done, be sure to talk with Barlin. If someone in your party has poison-making, he will offer you the side quest “A Poisonous Proposition”.

Continue north, past the Chasind who are arguing with a village to find a Qunari in a cage, Sten. Talk with him to start “The Qunari Prisoner” side quest. Convince him to side with the Wardens and he will ask you to speak to the Revered Mother on his behalf to join you. If you have the “Scrapping the Barrel side quest from the Blackstone Irregulars in Dane's Refuge, then make a quick trip to the chantry then return to Sten. Open the cage after making it clear he is being released into your command.

Work at any remaining side quest for this area (found in next guide ) then head to the northwest. You will encounter a group of eight refugees that are determined to kill you for the bounty on your head. There is no choice but to slaughter the group. After that, loot the bodies and continue to the northwest. Head up onto the highway once again. There you will find a dwarven merchant being attacked by a group of darkspawn. This group contains Hurlocks and a Hurlock Alpha.

After you kill them all, be sure to loot all the bodies in the area, including the Blood Mage. The Blood Mage has a letter that opens up a cache for you in the Circle's Tower. Now talk with the Dwarves who were under attack. This is the mechant Bodahan Feddic. Whatever you say to him, he will later join you at your camp as the resident merchant. Be sure to look in the crate nearby where he walks for some handy loot. Grab that then head to the north, out toward the Bannorn.

After you wake from your dream you can have a talk with Alistair. After that you will see Bodahan Feddic added to your camp. You can talk with him to find out his story. After that, you can browse his wares. You now have access to the Grey Warden's Camp and Merchant.