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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 12 – Lothering Side Quests

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 12 – Lothering Side Quests

The Fallen Templar
Acquired on the bridge in to Lothering, loot the body of the fallen templar just in front of the barricade that the highwaymen built. You will get a locket and a note. You want to head into the Chantry and talk with Ser Donall to complete the quest. He is inside to the right toward the back of the Chantry. Talk with him again to get the reward of 1 gold and return the looted amulet as well.

The Doomsayer
Not really a sidequest but you still get experience for it. You can talk the man down or fear monger with him and get 45 silver for your efforts. All simple dialogue choices. At the end you will have the option of “That's right. No hope for any of you fools!”. If take that and choose “Give me your valuables and your sorry lives might be spared” to get the 45 silver. You can also use persuasion in this conversation to turn the mood around and rally them

Traps are a Girl's Best Friend
Only available if the player has not failed any stealing attempts in Lothering
On the other side of the bridge you will find a girl named Allison. You can get this quest from her only if the first time you talk to her you have some who can make traps in your party. If you do not, you will lose this quest.

Once you have the quest, this quest will continue until Lothering is destroyed. You will receive 50 silver and 100 experience for each set of three traps.

More Than Just Plants
Only accessible if someone in your party has herbalism. Given to you by Elder Miriam, she requests you make three lesser health poultices for the refugees. You can also just give her three from your own stocks. To make a lesser health poultice you need three elfroot and three flask. Elfroot can be found to the north of the the village and flasks are available from merchants.

You are rewarded with 50 silver

The Unscrupulous Merchant
This is you happening in on a dialogue between a Sister and a Merchant. They are arguing over his pricing of items. She feels he is bleeding the refugees dry while he states he is simply letting them pay the prices they feel they should. This argument pans out depending on which of the three overall possible actions you take. The approval for the involved party members is also shown.

Leave the argument
Leliana +1, Sten -3
The Merchant leaves Lothering

Side with the Sister
Leliana +2
Morrigan -3
This options allows you to attempt to persuade/intimidate the merchant into lower his prices. This opens him up for business.

Side with Merchant
Alistair -3 (-6 if chose “Don't worry about it. I hate the self-righteous” )
Leliana -15 (-10 if chose “You don't think you're being unscrupulous?”)
Morrigan +2 (+4 if chose “Don't worry about it. I hate the self-righteous” )
He opens for business and you earn 1 gold for your efforts of driving off the sister.

Kill the Merchant
Alistair -3
Leliana -30
Morrigan +2
Sten +4

A Poisonous Proposition
Talk with Barlin inside Dane's Refuge. Choose the option of “Well paying work in Lothering”. This will get you the quest. You need to deliver him three flask of venom. You need three flasks and three toxin extracts. Flask can be bought from Barlin while the toxin extracts can be looted from the spiders in the northeastern part of the map. Killing these spiders guarantees a toxin extract from each. Create the flasks of venom and turn them into Barlin to complete the quest.

You are rewarded with 75 silver for your efforts.

The Blackstone Irregulars
Inside Dane's Refuge, to the eastof the door. Talk with the liason there to gain access to the Blackstone Irregulars quests below.

The Qunari Prisoner
Talk with the prisoner, Sten, who is at the northern edge of the village. He is a potential recruit for your party if you can convince him to join. He will respond well to you mentioning you are a Grey Warden and will ask you to talk with the Reverend Mother about securing his release. If you have Leliana in your party it is very easy to secure the release of Sten.

Chanter's Board
Bandits, Bandits, Everywhere
Head to the northern part of the map. There are three bandit groups that need to be killed for you to complete this quest. The first is to the northeast of the village, at the northern edge of the farmer's field. The second is north of the cage Sten was in, past the building in front of it. The third group is just to the north of the hill behind the second group. Behind the third group is a sack and a locked chest you can loot.

Group 1:
This group has one archer and the rest are melee fighters. Keep healthy and they should be no trouble

Group 2:
2 Mabari and 3 archers. Kill the Mabari first, healing as needed, then focus on the archers as they can chip away at health.

Group 3:
1 Mabari, 4 Bandits and 1 archer. Kill the front line fighters then worry about the archer. Heal anyone who dips below half health.

Once all the groups have been defeated, head for the chanter's board and talk with Brother Devons to receive 3 gold for your efforts.

A Last Keepsake
Available after you complete “Bandits, Bandits, Everywhere”.
Head to the grassy knoll to the north of the village, where the landmark tree is. You will encounter a pack of 8 wolves, broken into two groups of 4. Kill them then look at the corpse on the knoll.

Your reward is 50 silver

When Bears Attack
Available after you complete “Bandits, Bandits, Everywhere”.
Head to the northeastern lake in the area. There are 3 black bears in this group that need to be killed.

Your reward is 1 gold

Blackstone Irregulars
Dereliction of Duty
This quest is first available here. You will find the three deserters else where:
Tornas the Deserter – Frostback Mountain Pass – Just before the entrance of Orzammar. He is located to the right of the large stone circle.

Sammael – Lake Calenhad Docks – Outside The Spoiled Princess

Layson – Denerim – In the Dirty Hovel of the Run-down Back Street

You receive 2 gold for completing this quest.

Scraping the Barrel
Patter Gritch – Lothering - Chantry
He is the only person for this quest that is found in Lothering. He is located inside the Chantry, nearby the Revered Mother's room.

Dernal Garrison – Redcliffe Village – House
Found in a house next the a stone bridge, along the path to the windmill. Just take the wooden bridge on your way to the windmill to find him.

Varel Baern – Denerim – The Alienage
Found in the Elven Alienage, near the entrance, across the stone bridge.

Your reward is 1 Gold