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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 1: Into the Depths

After watching the introductory cutscenes, move up the stairs and go to the right. Follow the railing as it loops around, and then turn to the left to be faced with a locked door. Draw your weapon and take aim at the lock. This little exercise serves as your targeting practice. Shoot the lock off the door and proceed inside. Turn to the left upon entering the next room and you’ll find another door. Go through here and to the right to find another flight of stairs, this time leading downwards. Take the stairs down.

Walk through the door at the end of the stairs. You will catch a glimpse of something sinister-looking through the gaps in the boxes ahead. Pay it no mind for now. Simply navigate around the shelf and through the next door, following the path as it leads you down another staircase. Watch out for a jump scare at the end of the stairs. Keep moving forward.

Turn left when you enter the next area and follow that path to its conclusion to find a locker. Search the locker to obtain a Green Herb, then turn to the left and proceed through the door there. Follow the only path available to you. When you reach a door, pause to search the locker nearby before going through. You will obtain Handgun bullets. Reload if you haven’t already, then head through the door and proceed to the middle of the area. You will be able to examine the floor here. Doing so will trigger a cutscene, after which you will have to face down your first enemy. Simply aim the gun at its head and shoot – nothing too complicated yet. Killing your first enemy will mark the end of part one of Into the Depths and transition you to another area.

Another cutscene will transition you to the next part of the episode, in which Jill and co. are at a beach. Jump down to get to the beach and use your Genesis scanner to examine the first corpse you come across. A cutscene will play. After watching the cutscene, you can pick up three packs of Handgun ammo nearby. The first will be behind you. The second is in front of the second corpse that you will come across, and the third is located on the right side of the beach near a group of corpses. Be sure to grab all of them. As you go, you will be examining the different corpses strewn about the beach. Upon examining the final corpse, however, it will animate and begin to attack you.

Kill the lone creature and be sure to grab the Green Herb behind where it used to lie on the beach. It absorbs a lot of bullets so you may want to alternate backpedaling and shooting. After grabbing the Herb, turn to your left to see a portion of another corpse lying off the beach, inside of the tunnel. You can examine this one as well, so take the opportunity to do so. Follow the beach to find another corpse. Examine this one just like all the others. Things won’t exactly go as expected, however. You can pick up a grenade on one of the boats after the fact, so grab that before proceeding onwards.

Examine the corpse sitting in the water to your left. After that, go to your right to find more ammunition and grenades. Turn back around and keep going to your left. You’ll have to wade through the water to reach a corpse splayed out over some rocks. Examine this corpse as well. This will be one of the last bodies that you have to investigate in this area, so turn around and begin to head back towards the ship and your partner, Clive. Along the way, as you cross through the water, look to the right to find yet another corpse. You may have to move a little closer to actually see it, as it’s hidden away pretty well. This makes good scanning fodder, so scan it to increase your scanning percentage further still.

Once you have enough data, approach Clive to trigger another zombie attack. Kill this one just as you’ve killed the rest, then reunite with Clive. Upon beating this part, you will return back to the ship, where you left off before. Use the scanner on the corpse, as well as various other areas of the room. You'll reveal numerous Handgun ammo stashes, so many that you probably won't be able to carry them all. Then, walk through the door in front of you, and then proceed down the path to the stairs. Go downstairs and search the yellow door.  After examining this door, proceed to the blue door and go through. Walk up the steps to find a Green Herb waiting for you, along with another door. Walk through this door after collecting the Herb. Proceed straight down the path, down the stairs, and to the left at the bottom of the stairwell. You will be met with another door, which you should open.

Walk straight, then turn right when the path twists. Another enemy awaits you around the corner. Either shoot the enemy or, if you would prefer to conserve ammo, dodge its attacks and avoid it. Whichever tactic you choose works fine here. Either way, bypass the enemy and proceed down the straight path ahead to reach a locked door. Don’t worry about that door for right now. Instead, keep moving down the path to find another door, this one unlocked.

This door will take you to the crew’s quarters. Walk down the stairs to find a civilian who has somehow survived the attack. As you watch on, vicious creatures will emerge and begin to attack the girl. Search the locker to your right to get more Handgun ammo before running down the hallway to save her. Run through the door and kill the enemies, going for headshots as you do. More Handgun ammo will await you upon your victory. Scan the girl’s body to find the Crew Quarters Area Key. This will unlock the door that you came across earlier.

Backtrack to the locked door and use the Crew Quarters Area Key to get through it. Along the way, watch out for an enemy that will drop down from a vent and attack you. As it is a slow creature, you can easily run past it if you want to conserve ammo. Kill it or dodge it and go through the door. Inside you’ll find a Grenade and more Handgun ammo, along with another enemy. Take your time to line up your shot as the enemy emerges, and shoot it in the head for a quick kill. From here, you should turn around and retrace your steps to get back to the area from which you originally came when this segment began. Along the way you will have to contend with more persistent enemy spawns, as the creatures are beginning to fan out through the ship. Be careful, and only expend ammo if you need to. Once you reach the outer corridor of the map you should be safe from attack. From here, go down the stairs to meet up with Parker. Unlock the door to initiate a cutscene, ending the first episode.