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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 1 – Might

Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning Destinies Part 1 – Might

Tier 0
Fateless One – Requirements: None

Your starting destiny. It gives no bonuses or special powers.

Tier 1
Brawler – Requirements: Might 1
Bonuses: +15% Melee Attack Damage, +20% Blocking Efficacy
“With this Destiny you are a formidable melee combatant. You can withstand a lot of punishment, and it is usually more efficient for you to block or suffer an attack rather than dodge one”.

For all those scrappers out there who love to wade into battle and emerge blood-soaked on the other side. Gives solid boosts you your favorite means of attack as well as ensuring massive damage over time.

Tier 2
Fighter – Requirements: Might 11
Bonuses: +17% Melee Damage, +22% Block Efficacy
“With this destiny you are even more effective in melee combat. The Fighters of the Faelands are well-accustomed to battle, and can therefore both absorb and deal more damage”.

An increase in blocking and damage. Not much progress forward but the next step up offers a lot more.

Tier 3
Soldier – Requirements: Might 28
Bonuses: +20% Melee Damage, +24% Block Efficacy, +10% Stun Duration
“From the Alfar military to human armies, the experience Soldiers of Amalur excel in close-quarters fighting. With this Destiny, your brutal attacks carry an added weight to stun your opponents”.

An increase to stun duration is nothing to scoff at when you are a melee fighter. As larger swords and hammers start coming with it (or unlocked through skills) this can become something you can depend on. As you progress further along this tree, it will become even more helpful.

Tier 4
Warrior – Requirements: Might 49
Bonuses: +23% Melee Damage, +26% Block Efficacy, +15% Stun Duration
“Because of their additional resilience, Warriors do not hesitate to wade into the thickest of frays. In most battles, their ability to inflict damage is equaled only by their honed defensive capabilities”.

Another increase to damage, blocking and a boost to stun duration.

Tier 5
Conqueror – Requirements: Might 76
Bonuses: +25% Melee Damage, +28% Block  Efficacy, +17% Stun Chance & Duration
“As a Conqueror, you are an imposing figure, feared by most enemies on the battlefield. Like the greatest warriors of legend, a single strike of yours can stagger your opponent, and even the strongest foes will find it difficult to overcome your defenses”.
You finally gain an innate ability to stun. This will stack with any stun that you already have. Mix with the right skills and you will be bringing dominance to the battlefield.

Tier 6
Warlord – Requirements: Might 109
Bonuses: +30% Melee Damage, +30% Block Efficacy, +20% Stun Chance & Duration, Last Stand: Automatically resurrect with 20% Health. Health drains until an enemy is killed.

“There have been a few Warlords in the history of Amalur, and they were all respected and feared as the primal embodiments of conflict itself. This Destiny allows you to endure any and all attacks while laying waste to those who would dare to oppose you”.

The highest level of the Might Destinies. With a notable boost to your melee attack and a solid reduction of incoming damage that are blocked, there are few who can stand against you in proper combat. This destiny will see your sword, hammer or any other melee weapon to its peak ability. The shield is now a solid wall between you and anything coming at you. Mix in the Last Stand ability and your fearsome damage output and you will be unstoppable in almost any battle.