The Supply Lines in Fallout 4 will help you keep your settlements upgraded and connected. They allow you connect all your resources together so you don’t have to lug it from settlement to settlement. This article will teach you how to How To Set Up Supply Lines In Fallout 4!
When you have all those go into the Workshop menu and go find a settler you want to send out. Scroll over the settler and click the Supply Line button, on Ps4 it is R1. Now you can choose which settlement to send them to. You can do this with multiple settlers and connect all of your settlements this way. Doing this will allow you to build up all of your settlements to their maximum potential without doing a ton of fast traveling. I would sleep for a few hours and then warp to the settlement you want to upgrade.
Be careful about accidentally clicking a trade route settler in a new settlement. I did this and then the settlement was no longer connected by the supply route.
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The Supply Lines in Fallout 4 will help you keep your settlements upgraded and connected. They allow you connect all your resources together so you don’t have to lug it from settlement to settlement
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