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Poptropica Walkthrough - Cryptids Island Part 6: Jersey Devil

After winning the Hunters Vs Yeti game, go to the right, climb up the roof and go to the left.  You will find a footprint in the snow. It looks like a Yeti footprint. Use your camera to snap a photo of it so that you cans how it to Mews. You receive:

Photo of Snow Track
Possible Yeti Track?

Climb back down and head back to the helicopter. Go back to the Mews Mansion, but he tells you it is just a footprint of a snowshoe. If the monks won't give you the Yeti Skull, then the Himalayas might not be worth revisiting.

Go to New Jersey now. Go to the right, past the gas station. Use gardening shears on dumpster and you will find:

Bathroom stall door
Right, Left, Over the Cleft
Left, Right, into the Night

Enter the bathroom. Go past the hobo and examine the door there. There is another message on the stall door. With both messages, the message seems to be complete now. You write it down for future reference:
Right, left
Over the cleft
Left, Right
Into the night
Right, right
Shudder with fright
Left, left
Mother bereft

Leave the bathroom and ride the motorcycle near it. Follow the instructions on the note, turning exactly how it says. You reach a small clearing Get out of the motorcycle and look around. It will be dark, so use matches to light your lantern. Enter the gate. Go right and enter the house. Go to the right and climb the stairs, move the dresser all the way to the left, then climb on it and jump up to the attic. You keep hearing Thumps. Locate a barrel in the attic. It's just a raccoon.  Near the barrel, to the right, you find:

Grappling Hook
If you can't reach it, grapple it!

As you are about to leave the house, you see some monster in the window, it looks like a flying dragon with horns. Exit the house.  The monster flies away. But there is something in that tree. Use grappling hook on the nest. Climb the tree a little to reach the rope, then climb up to the nest. You find:

Broken Egg Shells
These egg shells look very peculiar.

Go back to the motorcycle and ride to the start point. Enter the Helicopter and go back to Mews. Show him the shells. He tells you these shells are unlike any he has seen and to use the lab equipment to get a DNA identification. You will use a DNA Extraction kit, which lets you learn how to extract DNA from a once living tissue sample. Follow the instructions from the kit. You will successfully identify the sample. Mew says it is incredible, these shells are solid proof of the existence of the Jersey Devil. The Jersey Devil station now turns to "Confirmed".