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Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Part 20: Chew the Hide off a Rhino

This chapter will begin with a sneaking section, so take cover and wait for the first guard to approach you. Grab him as he walks past your cover, and then run out to take out the guard directly in front of you. Hurry or you may be spotted. Finish him off and run up behind the third enemy to the left. Take him out stealthily as well and quickly take cover behind the pillar to see several other enemy soldiers through a small archway ahead. Wait for them to split ways and run in. There are three guards in here. Look to your right for the first one. The next two will be off to your left. Starting with the right-hand guard, take them all out in quick succession. Look up to see still more guards patrolling on the ledge above.

Before you can even think about killing them stealthily, Sully will come barging into the arena and the guards will open fire. Take cover as the firefight begins. You’ll be armed with nothing but a pistol, to go for headshots. After the first wave has been downed, additional waves will begin climbing down from the ledge, onto the fallen column and into the arena. Shoot them all and grab the FALs that they will drop as they fall. Once all of the guards have been downed, loop back around to where you began this chapter. Several charcoal rubbings will be hidden around this area. The first is right where you took down the first enemy. There will be a puddle near the beginning of the area, and a stone on the overgrown wall next to it will mark the rubbing. The second rubbing is through the archway to the right, on the opposite side of where you went through to fight all of the enemies. Climb up the massive steps through the archway to find the rubbing embedded in the wall. Look across the gap beneath you to see the telltale glimmer of a treasure on the opposite ledge. Get low on the wall and jump across to the other side to grab the treasure before proceeding.

Return to the arena where you just vanquished the waves of enemies and follow Sully up and over the fallen column. Climb up the rope to reach the ledge and follow Sully down the path. Once you reach the end, climb up the ledge to initiate a cutscene. You’ll have to fight more enemies here. Take out your FAL and slide to the cover to the left. Look right to find two enemies who will attack you as the chaingunner keeps you pinned down. Take them both out with the FAL. Wait for a break in the gunfire and move as fast as you can to the segmented cover in the middle of the area. From here, climb up the rope to your upper left and wait for the gunner to focus on Sully. When the coast is clear, jump across and quickly shuffle around to the back of the pillar for cover.

Climb up and jump behind you to the next ledge. Take cover on the ledge and wait for the gunfire to stop. When it does, jump to the other side and move all the way to the right while hanging to avoid bullets. If you aren’t pressed against the right end of the handhold, the gunfire will still be able to hit you. When the gunner begins to focus on Sully again, climb up and run forward. Scale the wall at the end of the path. When you reach the top, run to the other side and drop down to hang from the ledge. Climb down the rungs to reach the ledge with the gunner. Run up behind him to initiate a short fistfight. Beat the gunner to trigger a cutscene.

Now you will have to use the .50 cal to protect Sully as he climbs up to meet you. Swarms of enemies will emerge from all sides, most notably your lower left and right, although a small group of enemies will later emerge on one of the platforms to your upper right and can easily kill Sully if they go unnoticed. Simply hold down the trigger; there will be too many enemies here to worry about finesse. Once they have all bee exterminated, you will be treated to another cutscene. Instead of following Sully right away, head to the right side and examine the brush to find a treasure. Pick it up and get back to Sully.

Climb up the small ledge and boost Sully up to the next area. Follow the path. When you hear Sully complain about mosquitoes, look to your left. You will see a rope hanging down the wall. Climb it to find a charcoal rubbing spot. Return to the ground and jump to the vine to swing across the gap when you come to it. After landing, look for a stone that will be bathed in a ray of sunlight. Appraoch it to find another rubbing. Keep following Sully. Run through the little archway instead of following Sully up to the next ledge when he climbs the pillar. Head to the left to find some bamboo that you can cut down for a treasure.

Loop back around to where you came from, climb onto the fallen pillar, and follow Sully up onto the ledge. Follow the handholds around the ruins. Drop down and walk through the arching opening. Shimmy around the edge and run back through to come out on the other side. Jump left to grab a handhold on the other side of a gap. Instead of following Sully, drop down to a vine below and climb it to the ground. Pick up the treasure in the back of this area and climb back up the vine to get back to the handholds. Follow the yellow stones to the right and around the outside of the ruins. Climb up onto the small ledge here, and then jump across the gap to join Sully.

Climb up onto the ledge and run to the end of the path. A cutscene will play. Sully will warn you that the wall ahead may be unstable, but you’ll have to climb it anyway. Err towards the left side of the wall so that when it inevitably begins to collapse, you will be closer to the cliff. As the rock begins to crumble, jump left to grab a handhold on the cliffside. Climb it to the top to trigger a cutscene and end the chapter.