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Twisted Metal Grimm Walkthrough Part 3: Adventure Park

The challenges continue with a repeat performance from the difficult Electric Cage Match, this time in a new map, Adventure Park. Naturally, the match will be much more difficult than your first encounter with this game mode. You will have a total of 150 seconds to spend outside of the cages before your health begins to drain, just like last time, but now the AI competition will be much fiercer. You will again have to destroy all eight of your enemies to win the match.

The first cage will appear in the lower right of the map, right above the map’s garage. Make a note of the garage’s location in case you need to return here later. Although none of the electric cages will encircle the garage, it is close to the fourth and fifth cage locations. Using your vehicle of choice, circle the edges of the cage to collect the Fire Missile, Homing Missile, and Shotgun power-ups. From here, swing around and attack the weakest enemies first to get a few competitors out of the running early. Unleashing your missiles upon Reaper or Axel will kill them before the cage can move to its second location. Also make note of the different rides in this arena. There are two of them, a large swing called Terminal Velocity, and a boat called the Scourge of the Sea. You can destroy them to bring them down and find a health pickup underneath where Terminal Velocity stood. Grab it if needed and speed off to the second cage.

The second cage is located to the northwest of the first. The fastest way to get there is to go straight through Gold Rush Mountain, the large mountainous peak directly in the center of the map. Carving through this area, you will find that the health semi circles the path around the mountain. Again, make a note of this, as many of the cages will border the mountain and timing your heals just right can be crucial. Once you’ve reached the second cage, concentrate your attacks on one opponent at a time. You can destroy the ferris wheel at the fringes of the area off of its anchoring and send it rolling over opponents, or you can use the large open areas of this arena to launch off missiles and Sniper Rifle shots at opponents from a distance. If you find yourself getting low on health, head up to the bridge to find a health pickup.

The third cage will appear right above where the first was, directly to your right. This cage is a long, thin strip while the first cage was a more rounded square shape, so be careful when heading side to side not to accidentally slip out of the cage’s boundaries for a second. If you find yourself low on health going into the third round, scale Gold Rush Mountain at its northern peak and grab a health pickup to the south of the third cage, on the right-hand side of the mountain. Now proceed into the cage and drive under the roller coaster to the west. Ascend the coaster’s tracks to find a Sniper Rifle and keep following the tracks. When you’ve reached the peak of the roller coaster’s height, stop and set your sights on the most heavily-armored opponent you can find. Keep the reticule on them for a one hit kill. If you have the time, launch yourself from the roller coaster and into the fray below. The Shotgun and Richochet power-ups can be incredibly potent in this narrow arena.

The fourth cage is in the southern shadow of Gold Rush Mountain, so loop around the path that surrounds the mountain to reach it. Drive through the health semi if you come across it along the way. This arena is another long, thin one, but this time it stretches horizontally across the map instead of vertically. Again, the Shotgun and Ricochet power-ups can work wonders in this confined space. This area is tiered into three segments, however, so don’t expect to be quite as cramped as you were before. Head to the House of Horrors to find some power-ups. Swing by the canals to the north to collect more before proceeding to the roller coaster tracks above you. You will have to leave the cage a bit and turn around to get onto the tracks. Up here you will find health and Swarmer Missiles. Launch your newly-collected arsenal at your opponents from the safety of the roller coaster, or go hurtling back to the ground to deliver them up close and personal.

Be sure that you have plenty of health before the fifth cage appears, or you may end up eating some of it away with a lack of Grace. The fifth cage is all the way to the south of the map, and it’s quite a long drive. Boost over to it to find the House of Horrors again. Alternately, you can launch yourself off of the roller coaster tracks in the fourth cage to jump onto the mountain path ahead, in the center of the mountain range. Keep boosting up the path to jump over several spiked pits. This shortcut can save some time, but it’s highly dangerous as well.

Once you enter the cage inside of the House of Horrors, you will find a bunch of power-ups in the lot right outside. While in the courtyard, unleash whatever ammo you have on your enemies, as there is little in the way of hills or elevation changes that your opponents could use to dodge homing weapons. Enter the House of Horrors after this. Go through the stairs on the right to get to the eastern wing of the house, where you can find a Ricochet. Head to the left to find a Power Missile in an area adorned with leering clowns. Crashing through the walls in either of these areas will take you to a trippy room filled with floating eyeballs and swirling neon spirals. You can find Napalm and Fire Missiles in here, and head up the stairs to reach the second floor. Destroying the walls here will reveal several hidden rooms with chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. A well-timed shot to a chandelier will send it crashing down on top of an opponent. Finally, you can find health in the southern courtyard by shooting through the wall between the two staircases and launching off of the ramp this will reveal.

You will find the sixth cage cirectly across from where the first was, and above the fourth. Head to the western side of Gold Rush Mountain to find this small cage. The health semi will circle just outside of it. In this confined space, there is not a whole lot of room for maneuverability, nor are there a ton of weapons to pick up. He up the hill to find several power-ups, then use your height advantage to unleash them on the enemies below. There is also health below the loop of the roller coaster.

Head to the north of Gold Rush Mountain to find the next cage, directly opposite where the fourth one was. If you’re still having trouble, you can get up onto the roller coaster tracks again from this spot and use it as a great vantage point to attack. If you are in need of health, also be on the lookout for the health semi making its rounds. At this point, most if not all of the enemies should be dead, so simply mop up the rest. If you can’t for whatever reason, you will have to go to one more cage before they begin to recycle locations and go back to number one.

The final cage is all the way to the north, by the giant castle. It’s pretty far away, and your Grace is likely low at this point, so let nothing stop you from reaching the castle on time except perhaps a trip to the health semi if necessary. The castle is basically a fantasy themed version of the House of Horror, and the layout is essentially the same. You can go in through the east and west sides, or the throne room in the center. Head up the stairs in the throne room to reach the second floor and head out to the balcony to pick off any stragglers.

In order to receive a medal on this level, you will have to beat the following times:

14:00, 15:24, or 16:48 for a Bronze on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

9:00, 9:54, or 10:48 for a Silver on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

6:00, 6:36, or 7:12 for a Gold on Normal, Hard, and Twisted, respectively.

For beating this level, you will receive the Absorption Shield Ability.