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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Black Tuesday Intel Guide

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Black Tuesday Intel Guide

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Black Tuesday Intel Guide

The first level in Call of duty Modern Warfare 3 is Black Tuesday. This level has five pieces of enemy intel and this guide will help you find them all as you play the game. So let’s get started!

Doing this as I go so if I miss one and you know where it is let me know and I’ll give you credit of course.

Call of Duty MW3 Intel guide – Black Tuesday – After going of the street because a helicopter appears you will be in a building. Take the stairs up and keep following the route. You will hear a squad mate say threat 12 o clock high. Deal with them and then to the right you should see an open door with a reddish light next to it. Go in that room and on the floor is the intel.

Call of Duty MW3 Intel guide – Black Tuesday 2 – After getting into the bank one of the guys will say someone watch the top. You will have to go down and that guy will tell you how to throw grenades and you have to clear out some guys. While doing this or after look behind the steps you took down and you should see then intel on a desk type thing. Grab it.

Call of Duty MW3 Intel guide – Black Tuesday 3 – After you get outside you will have to move to the stock exchange. Clear out all the bad guys and go inside. there will be some ammo sboxes for refill if you want. On a table to the left of the ammo boxes is the Intel.

Call of Duty MW3 Intel guide - Black Tuesday 4 – After clearing the enemy on the stock exchange floor, there is an intel on the kiosk counter just before going up the metal stairs to the scaffolding. It is when someone says up top go go. Thanks to Ian Somebody.

Call of Duty MW3 Intel guide – Black Tuesday 5 – After getting to the stock exchange and fighting to the roof you will have to blow up the jammer. Before doing that clear the roof and if you look right of the steps you take to jammer you should see a table. On that table is the intel.

That will end the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Intel guide – Black Tuesday. Don’t forget, check and favorite our Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Complete Intel Walkthrough Guide for a chapter by chapter guide on all the intel locations in the game.

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