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Poptropica Walkthrough - Cryptids Island Part 7: Puerto Rico Chupacabra

Get into the Helicopter and fly to Puerto Rico. When you land, you see a hot air balloon stuck on a tree. The pilot there apologizes to the owner for crash landing in his tree.  The owner tells him that we will get him down in no time as he knocks down a wooden platform to gain access to the tree.

A man near the helicopter tells you that all of these fortune hunters are scaring away their goats. If they wander into open country, the Chupacabra will get them. Go to the right. Talk to the pilot with the green helmet. Ask him if he is ok, and what happened to his balloon.  He tells you that Gretchen Grimlock did it, she's dangerous.  Go to the right and talk to the farmer. Your options will be:
Do you know where I can find the Chupacabra?
I'm not afraid

Ask him where to find the Chupacabra and tell him you are not afraid. He says he can't stop you and that you can borrow his Jeep if you want. But while you are out there, he wants you to deliver some seeds to his brother. His brother's farm is north of here. Take the Jeep. Drive the Jeep to the yellow star in the top right corner.  Exit the jeep and give the seeds to the other farmer. He says his brother is mucho nice and thanks you for delivering the seeds to him. You can ask him:
Do you know where I can find the Chupacabra?
Are you sure it was a Chupacabra?

If you ask him where to find the monster, he tells you that it raided his chicken coop last night. It jumped right over the barbed wire. If you ask him if he was sure it was the Chupacabra, he tells you to go look at the fence and see for yourself. Go left to and on the barbed wire you find:
Unidentified Fur
Better take this to the lab!

Go back to the jeep and drive to the farm in the top left corner. Ask the farmer there if he knows where you can find the Chupacabra,  He tells you that he head he only attacks goats with spots. Go right and jump up the tree branches, and on the top of the hill you find:

Bolt Cutters
Great for cutting through metal

Go back to the jeep and drive to the main farm in the bottom right corner. Board the helicopter and fly back to Mews Mansion. Talk to Mews and show him the unidentified Fur. He tells you to use the lab equipment to find out where the fur came from. Use the DNA Extraction kit to analyze the sample. Follow the instructions on the kit:
1) Put Sample into Beaker
2) Pour Enzyme #2 into Beaker
3) Pour Lab Gel into Lab Tray
4) Pour Beaker into Lab Tray
5) Place Nylon Membrane in Lab Tray
6) Pour Probes into Lab Tray
7) Place X-Ray Film In Lab Tray

Do what the instructions say in exactly the same order. Hover the cursor over an item to see what it is. If you make a mistake, just click on "Start Over".  Once you successfully extract the DNA, Mews tells you it is just Coyote Fur, but not to give up because he feels that you are close to getting some real proof.

Go back to Puerto Rico. The farmer there tells you he has had enough of that no good Chupacabra and that he is going to trap it. Drive the Jeep to his brother's farm on the top right corner (gold star). Talk to the brother. Your options will be:
I analyzed that fur on your fence, it was coyote fur
Have you ever seen on?
Is there a way to catch it there?

When you ask him about a way to catch it, he tells you to use his brother's jeep to corral 3 spotted goats to the rock. Go back to the Jeep, and use it to lead 3 goats to the skull shaped rock near the center star. If you are doing it right, you should get an update such as "I can herd goats in here to Lure the Chupacabra. Just need 2 more.", then "There's the last one". Exit the jeep, the farmer shows up (if he doesn't, go speak to all the farmers again to ask for help).  He tells you that he has got the trap all set, and to now hide behind the rocks. Go and hide with him. You hear a THUMP. The farmer tells you to push him into the truck.  Go and push the locked crate towards the truck, but the monster gets free.  It knocks you down. When you regain consciousness, find on the ground the following:

Chupacabra Tooth
Is the Chupacabra's bite worse than it's bark?

Get the tooth back to Mews' Lab. Show Chupacabra's tooth to Mews. He tells you that it is an actual Chupacabra tooth, and that it is the proof you need. The Chupacabra station becomes CONFIRMED.