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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 13 – Hollowlands Sidequests

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Walkthrough Part 13 – Hollowlands Sidequests

Head into Motus Mining Outpost that is sitting right at the entrance of the Hollowlands. There you will find Apule Vire. He offers you the quest, “Fae at the Mine”. Now head into the nearby building and talk with Capstan Odvar for the quest, “Bloodbane”. Once you complete “Bloodbane”, talk with Apule Cire to get the next quest, “Miners in the Sands”. Complete this to begin “Aron Excavations” where you can start to get some earnings while out adventuring.

Now head out of the Outpost, to the south, up the slope and turn to the right at the top to find Calovar. This fae will give you the, “The Century Plants”.

Fae at the Mine
Head to the southeast of the Outpost and you will find your Scholar Esner. He is one cowardly Gnome but at least he can warn you of Boggarts and a potential Thresh. Head on up the slope to encounter a group of five Boggart Plaguebearers. Kill them off and continue on upwards.

As you reach the next part of the path you will encounter six sprites, one of them a Champion. Wipe them out, starting with the Champion then head on up. You will hit an entrance to the mine and there another group of Spites will attack. This one is smaller, four, but the champion is using Ice Elemental attacks. Defeat the group and then approach the Fae that is looking over the ridge. Talk with Audrenda to learn that you are talking with a projection that is searching for a lost jewel.

Jump down from the ledge and head to the west. Deal with the Faer Gorta that are waiting along the way. At the top of the slope you will find two corpses, one of which has the jewel you are looking for. Now head back to the east, between the rocks there into Shadowthorn.

Once inside Shadowthorn, head north then take the second left. There you will find a trio of Barghest waiting for you to kill. Defeat them, then take a quick detour to the left to collect some loot from the side room. Now continue to the north. Follow the path east head to the next door. It has an average strength ward on it so be careful unless you have been focusing on Dispelling.

Head into next room to continue your trek north toward your destination. As you enter this room though you will need to face down a pair of Leanshes. Defeat them to clear your path. After that, just head north into the next room to find Aurenda herself. Return her gem and you are done. Return to the Inn and report to Enser to get paid for a job done.

Head over to the northwest to find your contact. He will tell you that Bloodbane is very protective of a particular Brownie pack that helps him hunt. All you need to do is head for the marked area on your map, southeast of Shadowthorn, and kill off the Brownies. There are a good eight or nine so use some area of effect attacks to just wipe them out quickly.

Once the pack has gone down, then Bloodbane will emerge from the nearby sands. Start attacking it with your weapons as you best can. Be wary of this poison and lunging attacks for their lingering damage and intense damage respectively. Be warned as two Sons of Larz may join the fight, depending on how your luck is. They will go down quickly but it is still a distraction you might not be able to afford with Bloodbane around.

One you take care of Bloodbane, return to the mining operation.

Miners in the Sands
Once you have the quest, head up to Calovar who is overlooking the mining outpost. He will explain that Aron has abused the trust Calovar bestowed on him and wants you to retrieve a fae tool that he lent to Aron. Head to the northwest of the Outpost and into the Aron Excavations Mine.

Head north then eat to find Aron inside a chamber. You can persuade him to at least part with the stone, though you want at least 4-6 ranks in it to have a good chance. Even if he agrees, he will still send four Sprites after you, one of which is likely a Fire Champion.

Once the group of sprites has been defeated, you can either kill him or demand he turn over to the stone. Whatever choice you make, it is time to return to the surface and find the bewitched miners. You will find them in the southern portion of The Hollowlands, running along the central south to the southeast. Talk to all of them then return to the outpost to receive your reward. With that, you will gain access to the Aron Excavations Headquarters as a stash and a steady income from the mining operations there. Now return to Calovar with the Relic to claim the reward from him.

Aron Excavations
At the site you can upgrade your office and your mine to increase the profits from it. Once you have fully upgraded both facilities, the task will be complete.

Upgrade 1 (Cost 1,304) Clean the place up, Gain Sagecraft Altar
Upgrade 2 (Cost 3,260) Gain Blacksmith Forge
Upgrade 3 (Cost 1,956) Adds reagent to the house

Bor Anjar: Mine Upgrades
Upgrade 1 (Cost 1,304) Head inside and kill the three Giant Rats coming at your workers.
Upgrade 2 (Cost 1,956) Head inside and east to kill the rats.
Upgrade 3 (Cost 3,260) Inside you will find 5 Venomspitters scattered throughout the mine.

Do this to complete the task.

The Century Plants
Once you have the quest from Calovar, head over to Shadowthorn. Around there you will find the first one them. The second is in the southwest region while the third is in the southeast region. Blast each of them with fire than use the petricore to make the flowers bloom. Once this is completed, return to Calovar to your reward.