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Poptropica Walkthrough - Cryptids Island Final Part: Cryptids Medallion

After confirming the existence of the Loch Ness Monster (Nessie), The Jersey Devil, and the Chupacabra, Mews tells you that he just received a report of a Bigfoot sighting in the Pacific Northwest. The location has been added to the Helicopter computer.

Time to find Big Foot. Go back to the Helicopter. You should see a new location unlocked, the Pacific Northwest. Fly there. When you arrive, it says:

You've spotted Bigfoot!
Now keep him in view to find out where he lives.

Click on "START" when you are ready.  Use the helicopter to follow Bigfoot. The footsteps on the ground can help you see where he went. When he goes under one of the big trees you will lose sight of him, but just wait until he comes out. Eventually Bigfoot goes into a cave. You radio Mr. Mews and report to him that the monster has gone into a cave. Suddenly Gretchen appears on the monitor. She thanks you for your info! Turns out she bugged your helicopter's comm system. Now she can capture Bigfoot herself.

Mr Mews asks here why she is doing this, and if she can't be satisfied by his million dollar reward.  Gretchen says she does not need his measly million. She will make hundreds of millions when she charges people all over the world for a glimpse of the flea-bitten beast.

Mews instructs you to stop Gretchen before she gets away with Bigfoot.  Chase her helicopter, and when you catch up to it, you will need to jump onto her helicopter. If you fall down, it wills say that Gretchen got away and let you try again.  Go right and jump onto the other helicopter, then locate the fuel cap. Open the fuel compartment to let the fuel out. Then jump down to the cage, and use the gardening shears to cut the rope and free Bigfoot.

Go back to the Mews Mansion. Mews congratulates you on a job well done, he now has the proof he needs. When you ask him what will happen to Bigfoot, he tells you that he would love to buy up the land around him to create a safe habitat.  But unfortunately he has spent most of his fortune searching for Cryptids and the million dollar reward is all he has. You tell him that you do no need the million bucks and to use it to help Bigfoot instead. He tells you what a generous person you are.

You receive a certificate such as:

You've completed this island's quest and earned an island medallion! Head back to the Blimp to visit the other islands and begin new adventures. Be sure to check out the multiplayer rooms on Main Street, where you can chat and battle against other players!
You've received 100 Poptropica Credits

Island Medallion
Cryptids Island
You have completed the Cryptids quest
Put On

This completes Cryptids Island.