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Inversion Walkthrough Part 2 – Vanguard Down

Inversion Walkthrough Part 2 – Vanguard Down

Objective: “Enter the building and battle toward the entrance.”
Recover from the run and start forward to the planters. Take cover and then start moving over to the right. There are 2 tribesmen on the other side that will be moving around and firing at you. Head down to the building there and move forward along the railing.

After all that, dash forward to the Vase planters and take cover behind them. There are now 4 tribesmen gunning at you. 3 are on the ground while one is on the ledge to the left of the scaffolding. One of those 3 will hang all the way back behind a gate so be wary of him. Defeat them and then head through the open gateway at the opposite end of the plaza Davis just fought in.

At the end of the hallway a cutscene will run. The pair move up to the apartment building on the left. A man comes flying out of the first story window very cut up. Leo will check on him but nothing good. The pair will then move over to the double doors and kick them in. 2 tribesmen will immediately start attacking them.

Combat resumes after the pair have taken a dive for cover. Kill the 2 tribesmen in front of you, taking out whatever you need to around you. Now look to the left, another gunman will make his appearance, taking cover behind one of the pillars.

With that tribesman dealt with head down the ramp and into the parking lot. Leo will call out there are more enemies on the stairs. Look to the left and you will see another ready to start gunning at you. Line up the shots and take him out quickly. There is another higher up the stairs and one in the parking lot itself, coming from the left.

With them dead, head forward to the stairs and get up to the third level. Head up a few flights and you will find that the stairs have been torn out and a slag of street has found its way into the side of the building? Head down the corridor to the left of the stairs. As Davis and Leo approach the door at the end of the wall, a fireball erupts from it.

Head into the doorway the fireball came from and then go into the first door on the right. You will see a man crawling, bloody on the floor, asking for aid. Move into the room he was in and 3 tribesmen will attack you. One is in the same room, the other 2 are much farther back. Kill them and keep moving  forward. The building shakes when Davis cross the midpoint of the room. Finish off whoever is left and  head to the end of the room. Look to the left to find the door out to the corridor.

Once back in the corridor, head forward and to the left. Keep going until you see a tribesman apparent invert gravity and stand on the ceiling, shooting at you. Turn around and head for the back of the corridor. The door on your left will burst open from an explosion. Be ready for anything. As you head forward through the corridor, you will hear a woman calling for help. She is just ahead trapped under some smoldering debris. Approach her and some of the ceiling will come down on top of her, killing her.

Turn to the left and head down the corridor. Head on through the door in front of you and look to the right. You see a bus floating there. Turn back to the left. There is a tribesman on the stairs waiting to start gunning at you. Take him out and head on up them. You are nearly at your apartment now.At the top of the stairs, both are a bit dumbstruck when they see the whole street floating in front of them. Craziness that is. Head forward and to the left, following the corridor in front of you. Get to the corner and another cutscene will run.

Davis will approach his apartment and see his wife shot and bleeding in front of him. He runs over to her and checks on her. Cara talks about their daughter,  Leila who has been taken. She dies in his arms. As he tries to bring her back, some tribesmen appear and start attacking. Leo immediately responses and calls to Davis, trying to shake him out of his loss. One of the tribesmen raises his arm and collapses the ceiling on Davis.

Davis comes to with a number of the tribesmen around him. As he recovers, he is pushing and told to stay on his knees. One of them comes forward, starts proclaiming something, and Leo is pushed into the group the Davis is in. A man tries to run and is gunned down mid-stride. Leila appears on a balcony above Davis, calling for him. He calls back and tries to get to her. He is quickly struck to the ground.