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Inversion Walkthrough Part 1 – Former Life

Inversion Walkthrough Part 1 – Former Life

After the opening scene, it is right to combat. Pull down the trigger button and start firing at anything that moves in front of you. There are no foes on the bottom row, a few on the first level and more on top. Remember, the environment is highly destructible. Take out a few men, but focus the most on the pillars at ground level. You destroy those and the building itself will start to crumble down. Take out all of them and it will collapse completely. Just hold out until the scene changes.

Again you are on the platform in front of the crowd with the man ranting on, waiting for the end to come. A little more explanation from Davis after the worship ceremony then it is back to the fighting. After a few moments of the traditional fire fight, gravity moves a bit and Davis finds himself on the side of the building. Remember, keep firing during this time at anything not on your side. Take out whatever creatures you see. After a minute or two, you will enter back into a cutscene.

Davis talks some of the events that happened that first day then it begins to move forward. Cue the title and onto the next part.

With that, Davis and Leo are driving over to Davis' House. As they come out of the tunnel something has started wrecking chaos where they are. As they go to explore the cause of the disturbance in front of them, they miss an order calling all officers back to the station.

Objective: “Explore the streets and find out what's going on.”
Run on forward toward the corner, another cutscene will run. A big guy will make an appearance and fire on you. The pair will move to take him down. Immediately focus and aim carefully on him alone. Just fire off a single round from your shotgun. More could hit civilians. Remember to lead your shot and do not fire when you see a green X. Green X's are civilians!

After the first, another armed man will come at you on the left-hand side. Two will take cover behind the telephones just in front you, a little to the right. One will stay in cover while the other comes at Davis and Leo blasting away.

Defeat all of them and the two will move in to examine things. Leo admits to never having seen people or weapons like this. He tells Davis that he left the radio in the car. HE starts toward it when a nearby building decides to explode.

Dash forward to the nearest car and take cover. More of these ... Tribesmen will appear and open fire on your pair. There are three of them taking cover over to the left of the car that Leo takes cover behind. Defeat them and another trio will take their place.

Defeat them and some cutscenes run. After Davis opts to head to his apartment call in to C-10, Leo notices something strange, a milk carton that is floating. Just a little after that, some starts to pull the street down from below them. They both start running away from the collapsing street.