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Dragon's Dogma Curatives Guide: Part 1

Absorent Rag
A tattered patch of cloth well suited to soaking up oil

A hearty helping of Beast Flesh. Consume it to recover a fair amount of Stamina

A berry that grows commonly in the wild. Consume it to recover a bit of health.

Clean Cloth
An unused cloth well suited to drying one drenched in water

Dose of Strength
A unique medicinal concoction what restores one's strength to normal.

A common herb used in preparing Tisanes. Consume it to recover a bit of health.

Harspud Juice
A tonic liquid squeezed from harspuds. Consume it to recover a fair amount of health and stamina.

Harspud Milk
The milky water that remains from washing a hardy harspud. Consume it to recover a bit of health and stamina.

Harspud Sauce
A sauce with tonic properties derived from stewed harspuds. Consume it to recover a great deal of health and stamina.

Large Mushroom
A big, savory mushroom. Consume it to recover Stamina.

Large Nut
A large nut that could serve as an improvised meal. Consume it to recover a bit of health.

A medicine to mend the mind and spirit. Cures most magickal debilitations.

A type of herb that grows throughout Gransys. Consume it to purge the body of poisons

An edible mushroom. Consume it to recover Stamina

A type of grass that moans wistfully as it stirs in the wind. Combine it with other materials to produce aught of use.

Pickled Mushrooms
Medicine made from preserved fungi. Consume them to recover a bit of stamina.

Potent Greenwarish
A precious herb used in preparing tisanes. Consume it to recover a fair amount of health.

Small Rotten Fish
A small fish, in better days. A meal this foul is sure to ravage the bowels.

Smother Sap
Tree sap well resistant to heat. It can extinguish one who has caught fire.

Spicy Mushroom Tea
A rousing tea that sets one's blood aboil. Cures those frozen solid.

Sour Scrag of Beast
A scrag of beast about to turn foul. Consume it to recover a fair amount of Stamina.

Stagnant Shroom
A toxic mushroom that sprouts near still, fetid water. Combine it with other materials to produce aught of use.