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Inversion Walkthrough Part 5 – Prison Escape, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 5 – Prison Escape, Part 1

The cutscenes run and Fitzgerald reveals he has something of plan to get the wounded Davis out of the barracks. He passes Leo some lock-picks and tells him he will distract the guard that night. When night falls, he makes a lot of ruckus. The guard pulls him out of his cell and forces him away. Leo sees something here but Davis stops him from interfering.

After all that, you are back in control. Head toward the door. Interact with it to pick it open. Davis suggest going left as to the right may be guarded. Follow that suggestion. Move forward carefully as Davis is still injured. Running over there is still an option though.

At the end of the hall, the pair steal up to a barred window. It is not locked so Leo pulls a crate up and slips through. He helps Davis get up there as well. They get to cover quickly.

Objective: “Reach the shaft without sounding any alarms.”
Stay in cover as that will be the easiest way to avoid being seen. You will need to wait any time the screen goes red and starts to wave slightly. Davis is in too much pain to move during those times.

At the end of the first bit of railing, dash over to where Leo is. Keep to the shadows as Davis will likely feel the pain during part of it. Get into cover in the shadows under the row of windows. Just keep moving. It is clear that a slave, like Davis and Leo, who tries to escape gets shot.

As you reach the end of this stretch of cover, you see Lutadors struggling with a circuit breaker, muttering something about it. Slip over to the next bit of cover and wait a moment. Davis is in a lot of pain just then. After it passes, continue heading to the left in cover. From there, dash forward to the third stretch of cover by Leo. They panic slightly as a guard heads their way. Leo will slip around the next corner and dash forward. Follow him that way to the block of concrete he takes shelter behind.

This next part, you are best off moving with Leo to avoid being seen. There is a spot light sweeping the area. When it moves away from you two, have Davis jump the barrier and dash forward to hide between the cargo containers. Immediately flatten yourself against the container. Move to the end of the container and wait for Leo to run ahead. Once again, you need to dodge the spot light. Wait for it to move away again then immediately start your dash.

Once you make it to the stairwell, start going up them to the left. Follow it to the beam. Leo will go first and balance his way across. Davis needs to follow after. Below are a pair of Lutadors beating up on a man. Do not worry too much about losing your balance as they never look upwards.

Head to the end of the scaffolding with a window. Leo will give Davis a boost up. After you climb up, Davis will get nailed by the pain again. Just keep moving forward and down onto the overhang. Leo and Davis will crouch over there. The two have little choice but to jump the pair of Lutadores below them for their guns. Just after the pair take down the 2 Lutadores, your attention needs to go to the second duo that come through the doorway.

 Head for the nearest bit of cover and start firing. A third will join the fight from behind the largely broken wood planks. Be sure to get him as well. Now head forward to where Leo is, collect what ammo you can, and deal with any remaining Lutadores. There are 2 on this battlefield. One is right in front of you while the other is far back.