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Inversion Walkthrough Part 6 – Prison Escape, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 6 – Prison Escape, Part 2

When Leo calls out warning about a Tank, listen to him. Fire off a few more rounds but after that, immediately get into cover. Find a safe spot to take cover. The gunner will bring down the overhang above where you are, but all it does is block their line of fire. Immediately head over to the right and find more cover as 2 more Lutadores will come into the area your duo is in and attack them. Once they go down, dash into the next room, collecting what ammo you can.

Immediately get into cover in this room as a tank rolls into the building. Just head over to the right and do not worry about fighting here. Once there, a cutscene rolls.

Leo and Davis turn around to find a number of bodies bound together. Not too long after, a Lutadore Captain comes in with a few men. He has a Gravlink on him. Take cover and then focus your firing on him. Overall, he has 2 men on ground level with you and 2 above firing down on you as well. Take them out in whatever order works best for you. The main thing to make certain of here is that they are dead.

The pair find more Gravlinks to help them out. Right now, they can only do Low Gravity, but that is better than nothing. Be sure to loot the room for all the guns and ammo you can. After that, head forward through the doorway next to all the guns and ammo and interact with the next door.

Kick open the door and head to the right down the ramp. Follow the path to the broken stairwell and drop down. Head over to the left. You will see a few Lutadores ahead of you. Take them out carefully. Use the Gravlink on any that manage to get behind cover. There are roughly 5 in this corridor that need to be killed before you can make good on getting through here. Now just dash forward to the elevator at the opposite end of the cavern and you will find your way down into the caverns.

As you descend down on the elevator, the Lutadores will start firing on you. Immediately focus on the ones below you. They are the only ones who will really pose any threat. Once they are down, make a dash for the tunnel in front of you to the left.

Inside the tunnel you have 2 more Lutadores to deal with around the first corner. Keep going forward and 4 more will appear. Take them out as they get to cover. Keep going down the path you are on. Head over to the right as soon as you can. You will find Leo standing over the pit where the robot came up from.

Just enjoy the cutscene that ties up this chapter.