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Inversion Walkthrough Part 4 – Caged, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 4 – Caged, Part 2

Some of the men have come down from above and have opened fire on Davis and Leo. Use your Gravlink in the area in front of you to lift up everything and start throwing barrels and rocks at the Tribesmen. Likely, they will be dead and a boulder will roll off to the right of them. Now turn around and look at the rafters just behind you. You will see a flashing silver device above you. Fire off a Low Gravity burst to lift it then grab it with your grasper. This device increases your Gravlink's energy capacity.

Head forward to the right of the cover Davis and Leo just used. Use the team work command to get up on the raised ramp. Head to the top and over to the left, where the Tribesmen went down. Collect their guns, which are nearly empty. Just keep moving forward from there down the hallway. In the next chamber, the pair come across a number of bodies. Everyone there is an adult. Daivs takes some heart in this. Just head on forward.

There are same Gravlink Cells in front of you but the passage that way is blocked. Head out and turn to the left. Send a Low-G burst onto the rocks and barrels nearby you, grab one, and throw it into the stalagmites in front of you. Drop down and you will find an empty chamber full of goodies for the duo. After you have collected some of the guns, an Unknown Robot will burrow its way out of the ground.

Unknown Robot
You start in cover but you need to keep an eye on such a mobile opponent. The good news is it suspends itself on an extending beam of Anti-gravity. This keeps it from moving too much. Open fire some on it, but try to work your way over to a barrel or something you can throw quickly. These do a lot more damage than your bullets will. To slow it down, hit it with a High Gravity burst. Just focus on shooting and throwing stuff at it until it goes down.

The Tribesmen make an appearance after the battle and drag you both out of the caves. Davis realizes that hole is their best way out.