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Inversion Walkthrough Part 25 – Enlightenment, Part 2

\Inversion Walkthrough Part 25 – Enlightenment, Part 2

Once the gates are open, head straight forward and then to the left. Collect all the ammo you can then move over to the ladder that is nearby. Take it up and head over to the left. Use High Gravity on the cargo container that is nearby, over where you just fought the Slave Driver. Once it is down, head across it and continue forward.

A cutscene runs as Leo and Davis exit the container area. The Lutadores are grabbing turrets and firing down on them. Just like last time, look up to see containers you can pull down with High Gravity. Pull down as many as you can before moving forward. Move along the line of cover and into the next, sheltered area.

The Lutadores realize that Davis and Leo and trying to come at them from the flank. Take a moment to restock your ammo before the Lutadores appear. Once they do, get into cover and start firing on them. 4 will come from the left. After those are dead, then 4 more will come from the right. Pay attention to their location. There are things above that you can use High Gravity to pull down onto them to simply crush them.

Once the fight is over, if you have not already pulled down the Terraformer that is hanging above you, now is the time to do it. It will create a path for you to get up. Once up that slope, immediately take cover as at least 6 Lutadores open fire on you. Take out a few then advance. Rinse and repeat on this.

Lutadore Heavy Attack
This is nothing easy to do. You have turrets with unlimited ammo and no cool down. Focus on wherever the Lutadores will be coming from first the heaviest. The attack starts in the center with only a smaller wave of Lutadores. There are only 4 that simply charge the ramp.

After that, the second comes from the right-hand side. It is a bit bigger with 2 from the center and 4 from the right. The third is largely centered in the middle with 6 from there and 4 from the right. They are followed by another 6 coming from the center.

When Leo mentions them bringing in the big guns, you will see an APC roll in. Here is where everything just comes loose. First, from the center you will find a large number of Lutadores come charging up. From the left you will have plenty of slaves coming forward. In this mix includes a Slave Driver and a Butcher, but they only show toward the very end, around the “1 minute” mark.

AT this point, just keep firing and wait for the chapter to end.