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Inversion Walkthrough Part 24 – Enlightenment, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 24 – Enlightenment, Part 1

Head on forward down the slope to begin. Just outside the elevator you will find batteries for the Gravlink and at the bottom of the slope more ammo for your guns. Turn to the right and head through the glass doors. Once outside the entrance tunnel, start over to the right. Weave through the next containers to move on forward and see more of this, “Station”.

As you make it to the exit of the containers, a cutscene runs. Davis pauses to look around the corner. The Lutadores are talking about just loading cargo onto the train and having no additional slaves. Another mentions that key slaves have already been loaded on. Unfortunately, one notices Leo and Davis and the fight is on.

Take out the 3 Commanders in front of you. Watch out as from the sides a few Slaves will come over and start attacking with a few new Commanders. Once that is done, head over to the left and start running forward.

In the next area, Leo and Davis have a longer talk. Move over to the part of the wall that has a place you climb over. Once the two finish talking then a cutscene will trigger if you are there. The pair climb over the barrier. On the other side is another Butcher.

The Butcher
Once again, you need to pelt this thing with explosives. This time around, there are a number of explosive containers and rocket launchers laying around the area. Start running around, taking shelter when he is firing on you, to find the rocket launchers. Aim carefully as it is very easy to miss with them against the Butcher. This one favors using Low Gravity burst on you, thus causing you to levitate upwards. Keep this in mind as you battle him just to avoid getting stuck mid air and getting killed.

Once you get him below half health, there will not be too many things to throw at him. Likely through you have noticed there are cars suspended above the arena. Switch to High Gravity and pull those cars down onto the Butcher. Just a few of the cars will finish him off.

With the Butcher down, head for the back left portion of the area. You will find the door leading on. Head over to the right once through the door and drop off the ledge. Just before you drop, look to the left. You will find a new gun to pick up. It will be handy in the coming fight. You hear you have 15 minutes before the train departs. Unfortunately when you drop down, another Nasty decides to appear: A Slave Driver.

Slave Driver
The Arena has changed but the goals remain the same. Kill the slaves before they can swarm and kill you. Watch out for Suicide Slaves which make an appearance shortly after the fight begins. There is at least one major change that seems to involve some support from above. Just keep moving, use your high gravity shield and keep distance between you and the Slave Driver to ensure victory.

When the battle is over, be certain to get over the Slave Driver's body as he drops a Gravlink charge upgrade. After that, head for the marked gate and kick it in.