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Inversion Walkthrough Part 26 – Reveal

Inversion Walkthrough Part 26 – Reveal

When Leo and Davis arrive, there are a lot of dead Lutadores. This cannot be a good sign. Head forward and to the left. When you reach the high ledge, ask Leo for a boost up. Head to the end of the platform and get ready for another Zero-G area. The problem here is that you have a squad of Lutadores close in on you as you approach. Blast them apart then it will be safe enough to enter Zero-G

Head on forward to the red cargo container. Once there, move over to the right-hand edge and look for the next floating platform over there you can find the path forward. Once you make it to the next support strut though, it is time for a cutscene. This one does not have any good news. It shows Lurkers and one of them has a small, red blinking light. They have explosives now. You did not want them close before and even less now. They get close, they go boom and more often than not, that will kill you.

Once they are all dead, a Flybot will zip by. Land in the tube it just went through and then go over to the right through the shutters. Take down the few Flybots that are around. Things are not going to get any easier though. A Securitybot will make an appearance.

Unlike the last one, this one still has Flybots to drop. Focus on unleashing Gravity Burst on the Securitybot to quickly take it down. Keep the majority of your fire on it and have some care to shoot at the Flybots as well. The Flybots have another use though. Davis can grab them and throw them into the Securitybot. This is best done quickly as the Flybots will still shoot him while they are grabbed by the Gravlink. It works out a lot better than just using High Gravity burst to immobilize it. The Flybots show up in groups of 2-3, so they are never much of a threat on their own.

Once the Securitybot is down, head down any the ramps going forward to where the Securitybot was. Circle around there to collect more ammo and a 3 shot launcher. At the far end of the platform, you will find a raised part that requires a team lift to get up. From there, just head forward to the end of the platform and turn to the left. Go down the slope and jump into the next Zero-G area.

Jump forward a few landing. Leo will hear some noises he is not too happy to hear. Move back and forth between the railing to make it over to the end of it. Now, look to the right and find a landing spot amid the floating debris there. When you look ahead from there, things do not look good. In front of you is a massive fight between the Flybots and Lutadores. Hang back and enjoy the fighting for now. Once the Lutadores are down, focus on either shooting or grabbing the Flybots and either throwing them into walls or each other quickly. When they are all dead, hop through the remaining repair arms and get to the landing platform.

Once you touch down, head over to the left and into the massive corridor. You find a room filled with dead Lutadores and broken robots. Wait for Leo and Davis to finish talking and the door to the next room will open up. Head over to the one console with the glowing red light. Walk over to it and turn it on. It starts to get the whole corridor vibrating. Look around and you will see a shutter rise.

A very intense cutscene follows where Leo and Davis are faced with some really weird stuff. The two have a good crisis but sort things out easily enough. Head over to the right and toward the door past the Butcher. Beyond that is an elevator. Take it out to finish the chapter.