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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 75 – Alester – Crossroads, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 75 – Alester – Crossroads, Part 3

Objective: “Go down into the castle's dungeon to free the prisoner.”
Head on down the stairs to the barred doorway. Here, you are confronted by the first of many guards. You can either choose “I'm not ready” and go through any last minute preparations (potion restocks, poisons, wildfire, etc.) or “There's no alternative, they must die.”

This is not a hard battle. The one Alester was talking to turns out to be a Boss in Heavy Armor. Still, he has reinforcements in the form of 2 soldiers: 1 in Medium and 1 in Light Armor. Tear into the Boss first, after that, it is a simple matter to get through his help. Finish going down the stairs to find the entrance proper to the dungeons

Objective: “Find out where the Prisoner Gawen told you about is being kept.”
Head down the stairs until you reach the barred door. Turn to the right. Just past the open gate is a chest with 9 silver inside it. Turn South after that to enter a pair of guards. This duo has 1 in Heavy Armor and the other in Light Armor. They receive additional aid a little while into the fight from another fellow in light armor firing into the melee.

After that fight, continue to the South. Head all the way straight into the room with the prisoner in it. There you will find out that Mors and Alester know each other from their battles. Alester waits for a short while as Mors has a chat with Guts, the Torturer.

After all that, Mors will be grateful to see both the Sarwycks. For the first time, both characters are together. This also presents a few interesting dialogue choices. Alester can either move to get Mors to trust him or to just tell him the truth. Mors can question what Alester is doing here. Whatever choice you make, the two will talk and sort out some of what has been happening. This is unfortunately interrupted by Endrew slipping in and stabbing Gawen brutally. Mors and Alester both can now turn their attention this is foe.

Objective: “Avenge the Blood of the Sarwycks!”
First, Mors is not unarmed. Switch to him and have him use his secondary weapon. It is still equipped so take advantage of it! Endrew is an Elite Boss in Light Armor. Cutting weapons are the best way to go for this fight. Just after the first blows, 2 more guards will come to join the fray. They are both in Light Armor so there are no concerns of type in this round.

Once the foes are dead, loot the bodies for weapons and money. Be sure to also re-equip Mors. Likely you have a few items to spare for him that are an improvement as well. With that, step out in the corridor where Alester came from. Be sure to get the hidden spot that is just a little farther South of there. If not, you can get it later with the Hound.

Now, ehad to the West, down the corridor there. Turn North as you cannot open the door just yet. Head through the first door on your left to come across a pair of guards beating on the Hound. 1 is in Heavy Armor while the other is in Medium Armor. Divide Alester and Mors between them and tear them apart. This will be a cinch after that last fight.