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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: Adams Part 2

Round the corner to the right and drop down the hole in the ship's floor to reach the lower level. Lugo will radio you again. His position is being overwhelmed by the 33rd even as he begs you for help. Walker will tell him to move to a new position. Lugo will find a refugee camp and hide out there as he attempts to skirt the 33rd's patrols. You will have to get to him fast, or there won't be much of him left to find by the time you get there.

Head through the bottom of the ship. As you approach the door ahead, Adams will turn on you. After a terse encounter, you will both begrudgingly proceed ahead, knowing the Lugo's life depends on your cooperation. Run around the corner. A Humvee of enemies will pull around to the right. Quickly turn and sprint up to the top floor of the yacht to your right. Take cover on the barrier next to the stairs and immediiately turn around and look down the stairs. A wave of enemies lead by a knife soldier will be rushing the stairs to greet you. If you have a shotgun on you, make the stairway into a killing floor. Your shells will rip apart all of the enemies ascending the stairs in no time. If you don't have a shotgun, be sure to take out the knife enemy at the very least before he can reach the top of the stairs. If he reaches you, it's a one-hit kill. Keep the enemies on the stairs suppressed until Adams reaches you, at which point you can easily kill any remaining soldiers.

Another heavy soldier will begin climbing up the stairs after you have eliminated the first wave of enemies. He will be backed up by a few lighter enemies, although not as many as you had just killed prior. Toss down sticky grenades, onto the body of the heavy enemy if at all possible, and all of the enemies will go up in a spray of blood and smoke and flames. At this point, there should only be a few enemies left. A sandstorm will be coming in fast, though, and you will have to survive as your visibility dwindles down to almost nothing. Stay on the top floor of the yacht; under no circumstances should you venture down to the lower floor. Use the enemy's muzzle flashes to determine their positions in the storm. They will primarily be located behind you, down the stairs, and to the left side of the boat. When the sandstorm begins to dwindle, take cover next to Adams, who will be overlooking the left side of the boat. When the storm clears, the enemies will be left out in the open like a bunch of sitting ducks. Killing them in their moment of surprise will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

You will receive a panicked message from Lugo as you run down the stairs of the yacht. Something horrible is happening to him, although you won't be able to tell exactly what. You will need to reach him very quickly if you are to save him. Sprint down the steps of the yacht and turn around and to the right. Follow Adams to the heavy set of barriers that serve as double doors ahead. Adams will shoulder his way through the doors, not even bothering to breach them as normal. Walker will speculate that enemies have reached Lugo. You will find yourself in the refugee camp. Lugo is somewhere nearby. Run down the winding path that snakes deeper and deeper into the camp as fast as you can, cutting the corners at each turn. When you round the final curve, a cutscene will initiate.

Spoilers follow!

As Walker and Adams round the corner, a cutscene will begin. They will spot Lugo, but he will be trapped in an ever-enclosing ring of refugees hiding out not just from the 33rd, but from you and your murderous squad as well. The refugees will have Lugo hanging from a light post by the neck. Walker will waste no time in shooting the rope. As Lugo hits the floor, Walker will rush up to him and begin CPR. Adams will take to maintainging a barrier, but the civilians will press in from all sides in an attempt to box you all in. As Lugo falls, Adams will ask for permission to open fire. At this point, gameplay will return to your control. If you try to approach the civilians peacefully, they will shove you back, which will deal mild damage but shouldn't prove deadly. This will mark another moral choice. You can either fire upon the civilians, or brave their attacks as you make your way to the opposite side of the refugee camp. You choice here doesn't have much in the way of consequences, other than an Achievement/Trophy and, of course, your own moral compass. With Lugo's death will come the end of the mission. Walker will vow to kill every last member of the 33rd before murdering Konrad in cold blood.

End spoilers.