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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 23 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 5

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 23 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 5

Start heading away from the building and a call comes through the Police Broadband: the Scorpion is loose in Manhattan. Get over there and the battle begins with a Cutscene. The Scorpion knocks a Construction Worker off the top of a crane. Spider-Man gets there in time to save him thankfully. Once they land though and the Worker runs off, it is combat time.

The Scorpion
The Scorpion acts much like when you encountered him in Oscorp Tower. After a few hits he will use his Multi-swipe combo followed by him coming at you with a Tail bomb attack. To avoid it, jump and move away. After taking a few hits he will jump onto one of the wooden supports jutting out of the water. From there he will start shooting globs of the Acid Slime at you. Dodge or jump it to avoid the damage. When the Scorpion stops, after 3 sweeps of tail acid, Spider-Man wants to Web-Rush him to inflict some nice damage on him.

After that he will resort to shooting circles of acid around himself to hit you. Just stay back until he has exhausted that supply or changes to another attack. You can tell an acid attack is coming as the Scorpion's carapace will show a number of green tracers running through it.

If you need to heal, there are a few tricks you can use. Wait for the Scorpion to get up on the support beam and immediately take cover behind the metal cargo containers at the far end of the pier. The Scorpion will wait until Spider-Man reveals himself to start shooting again, or at least pause long enough for the red to fade away. Once the Scorpion starts firing off his Tail Acid in blast of 4 waves then he is nearly done for. Just keep at it through a few more waves of his acid and you will hit the end sequence of the fight.

After the Scorpion is knocked out into the Police Truck, head on back to Peter's Apartment. Time for a little break there. He has definitely earned it. Connors needs a little help from Peter in the esteem department but after that, things more forward. Connors is trying to ramp up his antidote and get more out of it.