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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 22 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 4

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 22 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 4

Take to the ceiling as there is a Contamination Guard patrolling around with his Riot Shield. Head down the left-hand side of the area first. There you will come across a pair of guards. Quick take them down then drop to the floor and investigate the crate opposite them. There you will find a tech upgrade. If you head down the opposite way you will find a magazine opposite the guards. Now head to the other end of the corridor where you find 2 pairs of guards. If can get a double stealth take-down on one pair but you will have to fight the other. During this time be sure not to go into the laser grid. That will trip turrets that will start firing on Spider-Man. This is not a good thing and very lethal if you have more than 2 Guards on you already.

Once they are down, head over to the console and interact with it. Time to work on saving the Scientist. This will raise the Quarantine Lock that will let Spider-Man in. The problem here is there are a lot of Combat Sentries just waiting for the chance to tear into Spider-Man inside this room. Run constantly, web everything and then use the Web-Swing to start taking them down. The first wave has 5 Sentries. The second one has 5 as well. The third wave has 4 of them. Tear through all of them and then it is over to Cutscene mode. 2 Sentries will manage to get the drop on Spider-Man and hold him captive. A large robot appears and blast away the other 2 Sentries.

Spider-Man reasons that only Gwen could have sent the Robot to save him. Time to start making tracks on the trail of this fellow. Be sure to snap a photo of the healed Scientists. Now, head out of the containment chamber and through the big hole in the wall the robot made coming in.

Look upwards and you will notice 2 pieces of metal sticking out from the walls. Web-Rush those to start the ascent. Now look around to the left or the right. You will notice a large Fuse Box sticking out from the cascading water. This is your next target. Now look opposite and up from the Fuse Box. You will notice another broken fan. Rush up to that then head through the openings in the walls in front of you. Be sure to stop in the elevator lobby Spider-Man passes through to collect an Oscorp Security Manual.

Head into the next cascading shaft and Web-Rush up to the large fuse box in front of you. Now look up to the lip of the next bit of wreckage above you. Web-Rush up to it then turn around and look up. There is a beam sticking out from a V-shaped piece of metal. This is your next target. Now look up and to the left. There are 2 Web-Rush targets on the next part of the wall. Choose either and head over there. Turn to the right after that to notice the next hole in the wall. Head on through it.

Inside this hallway, head over to the right and into a viewing room. It should look familiar as you have passed through here a number of times. Head over to the right to collect a magazine before you make your way forward. Go through the hole in the habitat into the room beyond it. Just move forward to find Gwen passed out. He gives the Antidote to Gwen. He also learns that Smythe has vanished rather mysteriously. Here's hoping this does not end too badly (though there is a good chance it will).

The cutscene ends and Spider-Man and Gwen have a quick talk. Time for the Web-Slinger to head on home for a quick shower and to tell Dr. Connors the good news!