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SWTOR Walkthrough - Jailbreak - Korriban

Speak with Inquisitor Urinth inside the main hall of the Sith Academy on Korriban to begin this mission. This is a level 8 quest.

Inquisitor Urinth: I have need of you, young one. Whatever errand your master sent you on can wait until we are through. You can tell her:
Very well
Says who?
I'm sick of errands anyway

Try the third option. She introduces herself as Inquisitor Urinth. She represents the intelligence operations of the Sith. They are currently holding an important Jedi Prisoner, a spy who attempted to reach this academy. They have plans for him. Upon capture, they found the Jedi's mind simple to manipulate. They fed him false memories through a combination of drugs and sorcery. Soon, he will return to the Jedi commnaders and report the lies they fed him. He will know nothing of what they have done. All what remains is to stage his escape. You can reply:
What's the plan
Sounds tricky
I can do it

Choose the third option to volunteer for this task. She tells you that you are young enough, new enough, to be a plausible traitor. You will go to the Jedi. Talk to him. Do as he says. Earn his trust. When that is done, set him free. Do whatever is necessary to get him out of prison. They will ensure that he reaches his ship and returns safely to his Jedi Friends. You can tell here:
I won't get in trouble?
Not my business

Choose the second option to ask her how you know that she won't accuse you of treason. She tells you to prove your strength. Prove that you are truly Sith. And all the accusations in the world will mean nothing. You will find the Jedi Quorian Dorjis in the Jail cells. He is still confused and should not be overly difficult to convince.

Open your mission log:

Inquisitor Urinth has requested your assistance. The Sith have captured a Jedi spy named Quorian Dorjis and manipulated his mind. Inquisitor Urinth wants you to aid the Jedi's "escape" so that he can take false information back to his Jedi commanders. Speak with Jedi Quorian Dorjis in the Sith Academy jail and gain his trust.

Go to the jail cells in the northern area of the Sith Academy and speak to Quorian.

SWTOR Jailbreak

Jedi Quorian Jordis: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. The Jedi Code will guide me.

Quorian asks you why you care about him and why you are here. You can answer:
I want to make a deal
This torture is wrong
I wish you humiliated

Choose the first option. You tell him that you are here to get him home, if he plays his cards right. He seems reluctant to trust you, the word of a Sith. But he is confused. He is not sure what's wrong with him. Tell him not to panic. He keeps mumbling the Jedi code: "There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony..."

He tells you that if you want to help him escape, he will need his belongings - his lightsaber and comlink. Before he was captured, the Sith chased him into the Tomb of Tulak Hord. He hid his belongings inside an urn to lighten his load. That is where you'll need to go.

Your task now is to Retrieve Dorjis's equipment. Go to Tulak Hord and enter the Ruinded Atrium area. Find the Urn near the western wall. Defeat Renegade Engineers and reprogrammed guard droids in your way. But when you search to Urn, you discover that Dorjis' equipment is missing. Locals must have looted it. Your task now is to recover Dorjis's Lightsaber and Dorjis's Datalog. Fight enemies in the main area of the Ruined Atrium until both objects are dropped. Drop rate for these items is pretty low so it can take a while until you recover both of them. Next, you need to return to the young Jedi prisoner to facilitate his "escape".

You give Quorian his items. He tells you that he will slip out of the Academy once the guards change shifts. You now have a Light/Dark conflict after he thanks you and says you he does not understand why you are doing this. You can tell him:
You don't have to understand (DARK)
This is all a setup (LIGHT)

First Option: Do not tell him about the set up
For taking this path, you get 100 dark points. The Jedi thanks you. Return to Inquisitor Urinth for your reward. She tells you that you did well, and she has confidence the operation will succeed. She will make note of your assistance in her report. Tell her you are glad to help, your duty is your life. You receive a Korriban Commendation as well as a Medium Credits Box as your reward.

Second Option: Tell him the truth
You tell him it is a trap, that his memories were altered and that when he reports back to the Jedi, he will tell his superiors exactly what the Sith want him to. You get 100 light points for telling him the truth. Go back to Inquisitor Urinth. She does not suspect you told the Jedi about the trap. If you ask her if the Jedi will be safe, she says no Jedi is safe. You get a Medium Credits Box and a Korriban Commendation as your reward

This concludes the mission, Jailbreak.