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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest One: Burning and Learning (7/9)

The first thing that happens in March is that the kid with the giant hair pops up again.  Sneer boy steps in almost immediately, scrutinizing you to make sure you’re who he thinks you are, sounding like he’s about to try to start a fight.  The gray-haired boy steps in, though, telling Mitsunari (sneer) and Masanori (giant hair) to leave you be.  Masanori whines to Kiyomasa, the white-haired leader of the trio, that they need to ‘talk’ to you or you’ll ‘be clueless’, doing a fair job of imitating a Yakuza in the process.  Mitsunari points out that you’re training a lot, but despite that he is fatalistic, and implies you won’t get anywhere regardless of the effort you’re putting in to improve your battle skills.  Oichi is stunned by the boy’s declaration, but Kiyomasa says they’re right- you need to challenge other kingdoms to get Warriors and Pokemon or you’ll never get anywhere.

Just to cap things off, Mitsunari points out that the jobs of a Warlord are to strengthen and conquer, the former of which you have only just started and the latter you’ve been unable to start, then the three leave you to your own devices.

Prompted by this not so pleasant encounter, Oichi reluctantly declares it ‘time to make our move’- time to attack Ignis, that is.  You can train more in Aurora if you really want, but you won’t gain new options and you’re already plenty strong enough to handle Hideyoshi’s forces- so it’s time to select Ignis in the world map, and choose to Battle.  Your strength should be roughly 150 by now, and given that you’re facing a larger number of pokemon with a smaller overall power, there shouldn’t be much to worry about.  Make sure you choose both your warriors to head into battle, then confirm your selection.  You and Oichi march to Ignis across the world map as a banner with a little dustcloud, set to expand your territory.

Hideyoshi confronts you on arrival, clearly intending to kick you around. Oichi, in response.... talks about how great you are.  Hideyoshi is amused by her faith in you, calls her cute, and says he could use someone like her in his army.  She takes exception to his suggestion that she ought to join him and insists that she wouldn’t fight for him.  He seems confident he could convince her to join him via demonstration- but says that he’s done with talking and it’s time to fight.  It’s your two versus his three, and your power should carry you through fairly well.