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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 3 - The Duke Cave

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 3 – The Duke Cave

At the bottom of the lift, walk forward and be treated to a scene between the President, General Graves and Duke. The President is ordering Duke to stand down and wait for diplomacy to play its part. Just after that, an alarm triggers saying aliens have broken into the Lady Killer. Head around the elevator and through the double doors back there. You'll see some aliens destroying a cannon that's descending. Now try to open the sliding doors to your left. An alien will attack as you open them. Wait for it to screech then knock it out. Walk down the corridor and grab one the trophies that are on the ground. Chuck it at the alien in front of you to kill it. Now go through the first door on your left. There are two aliens in here. Grab another trophy and throw it at one of them. The second you just have to take out with your fist. While you're here there's a few Ego Boost items. The first is the Pinball machine where you need to top a score of 280,897. This gives a very good Ego Boost. The second is the bench press. You need to get all the loose weights onto it so it should have a heft of 600 lbs. Most are around the bench press itself but one is closer to the entrance of the room, off to the left. Be sure to keep the weight even else Duke will complain about it (it's bad form). Once that's all dealt with, walk along the left side of the room, not too far from where you found the weight. One of the coverings is pulled back a bit, rip that thing off and slide down it.

Once inside you'll see an alien skitter away. Follow him and you'll see a pipe burst into flame. That way's blocked so head back but keep to the right. You'll loop around and find youtrse;f on the other side. Keep following the path. When you emerge you're told to drink a beer. Do it. Duke gets a little blurry eyed but he can take more damage now. Two aliens come out blasting so beat them with your fist. Head through the doors they came through. If the beer's worn off, have a second because two more aliens are waiting for you in here. Kill them and go the far door. There, the power will go out and you'll be told how to use your Duke Vision. Turn it on and force the door open. Now head to your left and walk down the pipes. Weave your way downwards, ducking as needed. When you reach floor again, there are two aliens waiting for knuckle sandwiches, make good on that then force the nearby door. Kill the nearby alien and head to the right. Force open this door and kill the aliens in this room as well. Straight across from the door you came through is a grate. You can smash it open with your fists. Crouch and head through it. Head to the left and loop back to the right. You'll find some canisters blocking your path. Grab and throw one away from you to clear it. On the other side is another alien pair so kill them as well. Once you're through with them, you'll see a glowing object, punch it. This next part is a little tricky. Walk onto the piping that fell next to you and go over to the far side. Run back along the pipe and jump onto the solid piping opposite. This can take a try or two. Now just head to the left along these pipes. You'll see a jet of fire. Just to the left of that is another pipe to crawl through. You'll find another grate to punch. Once inside this new room, kill the first alien you see to get an AT Laser. Use it to kill his friend on the other side of the room. Time to start powering up the place.

Nearby where you killed that first alien (and came into the room) you'll find a glowing canister. Grab it, turn around and pop it into the glowing power coupling. Look to your right and you'll find another alien's in the room. Kill it. Head to the left and you'll see a blinking light by some canisters. This is the second energy cell. Take it over to the main reactor and plug it into the glowing part of it. Another alien will make their appearance so oblige them with some laser to the face. Now head to the right, where the alien came from and open the door. Kill the aliens in this room and head to the door to the right of where you came in. You'll find one more room with a locked door but a small open grate near the floor. Head into the viewing part of the room and you'll find an RC remote for a Duke Toy. Grab it and drive the sucker! First get it over to the door, you'll notice a ramp to your right. Get the car up that. Now, as you drive along the shelf, push the big steel box out of the way. Part of the shelving should fall down. Once it does, drive the RC car back to the first ramp and take it up that second one as well. Now carefully keep it close to the glass. You'll quickly reach the third power cell. Now maneuver the car and push it out through the opening you see on the left. Grab it and take it back to the reactor. This gets it powered up all the way. Be sure to grab the steroids before you leave the room, they'll emerge glowing from the reactor. Now be ready for a good number of aliens. For some great one liners, take the steroids. They'll pump your melee attacks way up but your max Ego will drop while their in effect. Kill all the aliens with fists and laser. Now head through the one wide open door. Before you reach the next door, you'll finally be given a proper gun. Open the door and kill the aliens on the other side. Make your way around the central pillar and into it. You'll have a few flying enemies so don't forget to look up. Now use the cannon that's glowing the center of the room. You'll be brought up to the top of the Lady Killer. It's time to blast some ships down!