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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 4 – Mothership Battle

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 4 – Mothership Battle

Once you make it up to the top, wait for the light on the gun to go green. Once it does, open up fire on the exposed tail gun of the ship. Stagger your shots to avoid having the gun overheat.

As you blast away on the mothership, keep an eye out for drop ships and gunners. The drops ships unleash flying aliens you'll want to shoot down. The Gunner Ships just cause fair damage to you. Always aim for the center ship of the formation. That is the only one that will really cause damage to you.

Keep firing away at the tail of the gun of the ship and it'll eventually blow. After that keep on guard but Duke will be knocked out of his turret. It will retract inside the Lady Killer as Duke fades into unconsciousness.

Four hours later you come to. Blast the grate in front of you and head through the opening. Turn left then left again. Just keep going through this little space and you'll find your way into the next part of the story.