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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 5 – The Lady Killer

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 5 – The Lady Killer

Crawl forward and punch through the grating. You'll find a lady hanging on to a ladder inside the elevator you just jumped onto..  Look to right and you'll see the level you need to pull. Push the appropriate button just make sure you don't max out the temperature. Let her complain, she does that. You'll make it down after a number of pulls. Walk over to the elevator door and force it open. When you step out, Duke will be miniaturized by the green pod that's just outside the door. No way around that one.

Make your way over to the right, you'll see a kid who thinks your a toy. Just to the left of the rubble he was looking over is a push cart Duke can move. Get it moved then head to the right. You'll find a mother and her child, likely the kid you autographed the book for. Now hop into the RC car that's nearby that pair. Hit the gas then the turbo to launch over the rubble blocking your way. Land and make to the left. Make the first right then keep going to the right. Hop over the jumps and then go left down the stairs. When appropriate remember you do have a handbrake you can use. Make your way down to the ground floor. You'll see a number of women abducted on the way down. Once there, hug close to the fountain and you'll find a “Damn, it's late” poster set up for a sweet jump across the fountain near the actual entrance to the Lady Killer. Line up and turbo boost your way across it. Keep going straight from there and keep to the path you can find. Turn right once you find your way into a dark room. Make a left when you see some unblocked stairs. Head straight then down to the right. Another woman abducted. Head straight then right, under the partly raised shutter gate. Through there is an alien attacking a man that you can kill or just drive on by. Turbo over the ramp beyond the alien. Keep following the path in front of you, taking the jumps as you will. Just be sure to take the one with the two posters using the turbo to avoid death. Make a right after that jump and move onto the second part of Lady Killer.