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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest One: Burning and Learning (8/9)

Required Battle: Conquer Ignis!  (20 turns, Fire Pits, Volcano)
Win: Defeat all opposing Warriors.
Lose: All your Warriors are defeated.

Hideyoshi: Pow 66, Wis 65, Cha 78, Cap 6, Fire/Fight specialty, Skill: Quick Strike (+Range and flinch chance), Item: Potion
Chimchar 15%, HP 32, Range 4, Att 21, Def 16, Spd 22, Attack: Ember, Ability: Blaze (+Att at low HP)

Koroku: Pow 75, Wis 74, Cha 69, Cap 4, Fight/Fire Specialty, Skill: Mighty Blow (++Att)
Tepig 10%, HP 25, Range 3, Att 9, Def 11, Spd 11, Attack: Ember, Ability: Blaze (+Att at low HP)

Nagayasu: Pow 68, Wis 61, Cha 63, Cap 5, Fire specialty, Skill: Adrenaline (+Att for 3 turns)
Bidoof 9%, HP 19, Range 3, Att 8, Def 8, Spd 6, Attack: Headbutt, Ability: Simple (Stat change x2)

Ignis’ map is full of both lava and firepits.  The pits turn on and off at random intervals- despite the two items hovering in the nearby corner, there’s no guarantee that by the end of the battle you’ll have a chance to grab them, since sometimes the firepits don’t turn off until you’re far away or don’t turn off at all.  If you move a Pokemon onto an inactive firepit you need to be careful- there’s no guarantee the firepit won’t turn on between turns while the Pokemon is standing there.  Sadly, these two items are all about luck and enough luck to snag them is rare.  You could protract the battle for the sake of picking them up but generally speaking that’s a waste of time- they’re not anything special enough to be worth the added time and danger of lurking for a whole 20 turns, should it wind up taking that long. 

Hideyoshi opens the battle by bragging about the defensive use of his fire pits and lava, and how his Chimchar is immune to these blistering threats.  What he isn’t mentioning is the volcano you’re fighting on, which will randomly start and stop erupting.  While the volcano is erupting, it rains four or five rocks down after the enemy is done every turn, in random locations.  These rocks are actually notably more damaging than the attacks of your opponents, so take the volcano eruption as a cue to hurry it up, more than anything else.