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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 9: A Day At the Fair (Comstock Center Rooftops to The Fraternal Order Of The Raven)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 9: A Day At the Fair (Comstock Center Rooftops to The Fraternal Order Of The Raven)

Head over to the right from the head and into the covered walkway. As you reached the end Booker will be accosted by more Founders. Use a mix of the machine gun and Devil's Kiss to deal with this group quickly. Retreat to the back of the walkway for cover and take them down. After that go forward and over to the right. Be careful as there is a barge with a Gun Automaton on it. Possess it to have it help Booker with the next wave of Founders that come charging at him. Once the Founders are dead be sure to quickly take out the Automaton so it does not start firing on Booker as well.

When the fighting is done search the area for Food and Drink. When you are ready continue over to the right and look for the skylights. Shoot out some of the close ones and jump on through the opening. This will take you into the Lansdowne Residence. Alternatively you can use the Sky-Hook to enter through the backdoor, but it is easier though the skylight.

Search around house to find a number of Silver Eagles. Look for the stairs leading to the lower level. Here you will find a second bedroom. On its shelving you will find a Voxophone from Byron Costwold, “Otis'Nimble Finger”. Turn to the right and interact with the chest to gain an optional quest. Head on back up the stairs and out to the balcony on the bedroom you came through. Turn to the right to find another Freight Hook you can attach to with the Sky-Hook. Jump over to the next patio and head through the double doors after you search it for goods.

Inside you will arrive in the Montgomery Residence. Head into the pantry on the right to find a few things to loot. After that turn to the left and head to the double doors. Push them open to find a room with a printing press and some, for Columbia, progressive posters. Head over to the right, past the couple and down the hallway they are in. Go into the first room on the left to find some silver eagles on the dresser (with some Whiskey if you need health) but there is also a small medical kit next to the occupied bed on the left. Head on out of the room after that and continue to the left. Head carefully through the double doors to the left.

This will lead out into a plaza with a number of Founders walking around with Batons and Machine Guns. Over to the left, on the far end of the plaza, is a gun automaton. Once a few of the Founders go down a Fireman will come into the fray. Try to hit him with Possession and shoot him while he is possessed. Refrain from using Fire type attacks on him as he is immune to them. You can also possess (and destroy) the Gun Automaton. Between the two of them it should not be much trouble to clear the area.

Once the area has been cleared there are a few things to find. Start by going to the far right from the Montgomery Residence. Look behind the tent to find another Kinectoscope: “Danger On All Sides!” Give it a watch then go down the nearby stairs. This will lead to a stage for a Wild West Show. Look the stage itself to find a Voxophone from Preston E. Downs, “A New Hunt”. You can also search the area for some food without much trouble. After that just head up the stairs towards the remains of the Gun Automaton. Search the upper area for items as there are a few crates. After that look for the building with the eye above the entrance. This is where you want to go next, the Founder's Lodge.