Ghost Recon: Online has only three classes. It might not seem like much, but with each class you have a decent choice in equipment, allowing you to customize your “Ghost” in any way you like. In this guide we will discuss the different classes in Ghost Recon: Online, their strengths and weaknesses. We will also look over their Devices and potential strategies. Hopefully with this guide you will learn that every class can multi-task, in a number of ways.
Before we start, let us talk briefly about equipment. All classes start with core equipment, meaning a pistol and two basic primary weapons. These primary weapons tend to be sub-par in a number of ways. For example, the M24 sniper rifle even when scoring head shots will never do enough damage to kill anybody, unless it is a critical hit. The next “up” sniper rifle from that can, and it will kill both Specialists and Recons with single shots. It could kill Assaults, but with a bit more effort. In the same way the different shotguns, assault rifles and LMGs are much improved on higher levels. The basic shotgun does decent damage, and has a decent firing rate, but a very long reload time makes it troublesome to use during a heated firefight. In turn the M246 SAW is such an improvement over the basic LMG that I am amazed it’s only a level 5 weapon.
What I mean to say is that Ghost Recon: Online does call for weapon investment, and a lot of it. If you use only your basic guns prepare to grit your teeth from anger, a lot. Even buying the “next best” gun is a huge improvement over your basic weapon. If you choose to play as one class the decision of which weapons to buy will be simplified.
As to Devices, more expensive Devices and mods are of course better, but sometimes the higher cost is not necessary. Weapons have a major influence over combat. More expensive Devices and Mods also can, but not to the same degree.
It is important to note that once you unlock a new series of weapons you will be free to test them for two games against other players (a sort of trial period). However, if you are curious about the handling of a weapon, especially with different Mods you purchase for it, you can take any weapon for a test drive and fire it at dummies on the firing range. It is important to note that each “Dummy” has a specific health value, depending on their class. In other words, if you are curious how good your weapon might be against a recon, or whether a single headshot will give you a kill, you just have to target the correct dummy. This way you can plan which weapon you feel most confident with and save up for it.
While Devices are unlocked at level 5 you do not obtain free Squad Bonuses at level 8. Those have to be purchased at 5,000 RP a piece. Hopefully this guide will help you decide which ones are better, and which are worse.
Stealth, the essence of Recon.
The Recon has the least “Armor” (health) out of all the three classes. He can choose between an SMG and Sniper Rifle. His two devices are the cloak and Oracle, while his Squad buffs are “Shot” detection and “Sprint” detection.
The SMG is a very deadly weapon at close range. Its quick rate of fire, combined with a decent ammo amount allows the Recon to spray any opponent with a hail of lead. The problem with the SMG is that while it fires rapidly its individual shots are not that powerful. Because of this it can, at best, cope against targets at a medium range. Although they are capable of single shots the lack of punch means you have to score headshots.
The Sniper Rifle should not need any explanation. They are all very accurate and powerful weapons. However, while each individual shot does a lot of damage they have a slow rate of fire. In that sense a Sniper Rifle should not be used up close, because it will most certainly not cope as well as the SMG.
The Cloak allows for the Recon to hide in plain sight for a very limited duration. The faster you move the more distorted your cloak becomes, so if you sprint the cloak will not hide you too well. Of course, the enemy has to pay attention to his surroundings, since even when running you can run past or hide from enemies. The Oracle can still detect you, while the Blackout will shut off your cloak.
The Oracle scans the area that you are observing, highlighting all and any enemies within a certain range. The Oracle works like a “Wave”. In order for it to scan its full length you have to use up more energy, but that means that you could scan for enemies right behind a wall, and you will use up much less energy then. The Oracle can spot cloaked Recons, making it a very useful tool for spotting flankers, ambushers and reporting to your team enemy positions.
The Recon has access to two similar, yet different, squad bonuses. The first allows you to report enemy gun shots. This will highlight the enemy position and the gun that was fired. The default range is 50 meters for this, so it’s a pretty decent tool. The other is “Sprint” detection, meaning any running enemy will be highlighted as well, but the default range here is only ten meters, very short. In order for allies to see what you see they have to be “connected” to you. If they stand within a certain range of you there will be lines connected to each of you. This could create a long web, thus allowing all to benefit from these bonuses.
You have a bit of room with your Recon. You may choose for the “obvious” sets, such as the Oracle + Sniper Rifles and SMG + Cloak, since those are the standard sets. However, if you feel adventurous, you can mix these sets together, especially with different weapon attachments. For example, you could take a higher level Sniper Rifle and change it into a Medium rather than Long Range weapon, adjust its scope to better suit close combat. Why? If the Sniper Rifle is Automatic you will be able to quickly gun down enemies, assuming you get the drop on them and not the other way around.
In turn, an SMG with an Oracle allows you to be an active part of the main strike team, since you can use it to check around corners or down corridors for enemy troops. A Sniper could do the same thing, but the use of the Oracle would be much heavier (Snipers tend to be far back), thus making you lose much more energy. The SMG is suited for short to medium range fights, you cannot turn it into an effective Sniper rifle, although you can fire single shots accurately. The problem is that the SMG’s strength is not single shots but “Sprays”.
Overall, Recon is a very good class to use if you enjoy either long distance fights or plenty of sneaking. Furthermore your Oracle ability can greatly help out the team, by detecting enemy troops when defending or attacking. The Squad bonuses are not as good as with other classes but they can provide information for your team as well.
In-Game experience might differ from this image.
The Specialist is not an “Engineer” per se. His Devices and weapons choice allow him to multi-task greatly. The basic choice of weapons includes the LMG and Shotgun. The Specialist has two devices, the Blackout and Aegis Shield. His Squad Bonuses allow him to resupply ammo and speed up energy replenishment.
The LMG is a very dangerous weapon up close. Its rate of fire and firepower allows it to dominate a corridor with a hail of bullets. Up close it might not be as quick as the SMG but it can get the job done. LMGs become much less accurate at longer distance, but they still allow you to pin down enemies.
The Shotgun, for the Specialist, is a highly useful tool, when using both the Aegis Shield and Blackout. Just like in the case of the Assault, the Shotgun’s power can permit you to take out enemies with single shots, if you are lucky. However, the shotgun is a close combat weapon, since at longer distances its firepower drops to a minimum. You can still hurt enemies, but the damage done will be minimal.
The Aegis Shield creates a “Bubble” around you. This bubble does not allow enemy bullets to pass through it, making it a perfect shield not only for yourself, but also any allies located behind you. The best part is that both you and your allies can fire through the shield at the enemy, making it one of the most useful assault tools in the game, since you can advance in the open with little fear of taking damage. The Blackout will shut the Aegis Shield down. Grenades also pass through the bubble. I might be wrong here but it seems that heavy fire can also bring the Aegis Shield down sooner. Lastly, enemies who enter inside the bubble can then safely take you down, so be wary of corners which the enemy might use to get in close range of you.
The Blackout creates a close range EMP explosion, causing all electronic equipment to shut down for a short while. This explosion passes through walls and obstacles, meaning that it can be used from behind cover with full effect. Furthermore it will not effect your own team. The Blackout can also be used defensively and offensively. A group of enemies behind cover, or about to mob your position with an Aegis could be “Blacked Out”, giving your team an opportunity to push them back.
The two Specialist Squad Buffs are useful in almost any situation. Increased Energy regeneration allows for devices to be used more often. Meanwhile resupplying ammo allows your more ammo-dependent troops (Assaults and Specialists) to have enough projectiles for the enemy. It should be noted that the Ammo Ressuply perk regenerates ammo at a steady pace, to anybody who is locally “connected” to you. So you will not give a player who ran out of ammo complete a bulk order, but a few bullets at a time.
The Specialist, thanks to his weapon choice, devices and squad buffs can turn the tide of battle with a single well placed Aegis Shield or Blackout. While he cannot provide information like the Recon or “Charge” like the Assault he is still a very useful element of the team, especially when leading a charge against an enemy position.
Lead the way as the Assault! (Robot not included)
The Assault is, in theory, meant to be the main attack class. I agree, yet his devices permit for both a solid attack and defense.
The Assault uses the Shotgun (like the Specialist) and Assault Rifles. Assault Rifles have less ammo than LMGs and do not fire as quickly as SMGs but their damage, accuracy and rate of fire make them good at medium ranges and even close combat. Higher level Assault Rifles are especially deadly in accurate hands, and I have been killed with a mere three shots at times from an experienced Assault.
The Assault has two Devices. The Blitz is a shield, that protects your back from explosives and bullets when it is not deployed. When deployed it gives the Assault a huge speed boost, and offers substantial protection from the front. Furthermore, any enemy that is met with the Blitz shield, face to face, will be knocked on his back and vulnerable. Usually if you smack down an enemy with your shield and then un-deploy it you will have enough time to kill the downed enemy before he has a chance to get back up.
The HEAT is the Assault’s second device. It is, primarily, an area denial “weapon” that creates a cone of damaging radiation. An enemy looking directly at the Heat will be unable to fire, will have his vision distorted and will slowly lose health. Even when not looking at it directly simply being targeted by the Heat can cause damage. While rare it is possible to “Boil” an enemy to death with the HEAT. When deployed you move the HEAT’s turret around, focusing your fire where it is needed. This is the perfect device to keep the enemy pinned down, giving you team an opportunity an advance, because your HEAT does not wound friendly units. Take note that an enemy can “look” at the heat from behind cover without suffering damage, so physical obstacles stop your HEAT from doing damage.
The Assault has two Squad Buffs. The first is Health regeneration. This one needs a bit of explanining. By default you regenerate health when not in combat. The moment you fire or suffer damage your regeneration ceases to work. This can be especially dangerous during a fire fight where the enemy might outflank you. The Health Regeneration Squad Buff allows for constant health regeneration, even in combat. While combat regeneration works only for a fraction of the original regeneration it is still better than nothing!
The Assault’s second “buff” is the Armor Squad Buff. This increases your armor, and that of your allies, slightly, letting you survive for longer.
In general, the Assault’s abilities appear to be better suited on the attack, when in fact all of them can just as well work on the defensive. You can use HEAT to stop the enemy assault. Your Health Regen can help your squad survive in a fire fight. Meanwhile with the Blitz you cam smash into enemy soldiers, taking out any especially troublesome enemies.
Each class uses Energy in a slightly different manner.
Recon, for example, may use his devices sooner than any other class. All devices may also be turned on and off, at any time, to conserve energy. However, while both the Oracle and Cloak can be used at minimal Energy they will not benefit you in any way (an Oracle at minimum power will create a very short wave, barely capable of looking behind cover). Allow your energy to recharge a bit before you use them.
The Specialist’s devices call for a three-quarters battery charge. When your Devices are activated you should normally allow for the first bar to charge up fully, this maximizes your ability’s duration or range. The second bar that appears when the first one is full is the “Overcharge”. What this means is that you can stall the use of your device for a few seconds before activating it. However, if you fail to use your device and the second bar loads up fully you yourself will be targeted with a “Blackout”. It is not a bad idea to start charging a device while on the move. If you charge toward a position, knowing there are enemies, having the Aegis ready lets you surprise the enemy. Be wary though, if you get killed before you deploy your device, while it is charging up to be used, you will lose half of your energy upon your respawn.
The Assault has the most brutal energy use system. Both of his devices need to be fully charged in order to be used. What is even worse is that if you cancel an active device, like your HEAT, you will lose all your energy, even if you still had some left over. So you either use up your HEAT or Blitz fully in a single go, or you cancel it early and lose all the energy anyway.
While each of the Classes has a limited number of devices, squad buffs and weapons it is impossible to deny that you can still customize your Ghost’s equipment to suit your play style. You might be a Sniper with a Cloak, moving from cover to cover, haunting the enemy. You might be a Specialist with an Aegis and shotgun, leading the charge for your team. You could be an Assault pinning down the enemy with your HEAT, allowing your team to advance. While it is clear that your beginnings might be far more brutal (you will have much worse equipment compared to others) you can still contribute to your team in a number of ways, and as you get better and play more games earn enough Resource Points for the gear you like.
While I did not look at Armors and Mods for them or in what ways you can modify your weapons I will say this, there are numerous ways how you can further customize your characters in terms of armor and weapons, and higher level devices. You can maximize certain aspects of your class, or that of your gear, to perform as well as you would like, on the battlefield.
For the exact stats for your different weapons and devices I recommend checking the Ghost Recon: Online Wiki, where a lot of information may be found.