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Inversion Walkthrough Part 33 – Reversion, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 33 – Reversion, Part 1

Just when it looks like Leo and Davis are going to get sacrificed, Banks and Fitzgerald show with a lot of help. The Free People bust up the ritual and give Leo and Davis the help they need to escape. The leader taunts the pair saying he controls the Inversion now.

Head forward and take cover as there are 3 trigger happy Lutadores ahead of you and ready to fire. They cover Kiltehr getting down the nearby hatch. Taking them out does not improve things too much honestly.

The Brutes
After the Lutadore support goes down, fall back to where Leo and Davis started in this room. A Brute will come trudging out from the next floor up and drop in. That is not even  the worst of it. The room rumbles again and a second Brute will come and join the fray. The good news is they both only have Mini-guns instead of Lava Spewers. They mostly just move around and fire their mini-gun. They can unleash a barrage of missiles as well.

The easiest way to deal with either of them is to make for the glass paneled sides of this area. Smash through the glass by running into it and you will find 2 places to charge the Gravlink. Scattered is a lot of ammo for your energy weapon of choice as well as an RPG. There are only 2 in the area but they will do immense damage to a single Brute or take off a good chuck of both's health. Stay in this side area as it gives great cover and the bar can stand up to the punish coming from the Mini-gun. It affords great cover as the missile barrage and you are reasonably safe if hit by a High Gravity Burst. It should be noted that High Gravity Burst will stun the Brutes. This is a great way to get some free damage in without fear of reprisal.

The minute one of the Brutes goes down, reinforcements start to show up. A good number of Lutadores will start coming in from the sides and above to help the remaining Brute. This also the time you want to break out of your hiding spot and take to moving around again. The Lutadores you are dropping have ammo that you need. Another good thing to do is collect the Mini-Gun the first Brute dropped. This is a Heavy Weapon and as such does a lot more damage.

Move from side to side in cover and unload on the second one. It will not be too long before the Brute bites the dust. Just mop up any surviving Lutadores after that. Be sure to take a little time to restock on ammo and Gravlink charge as they are going to be invaluable.

Head to the shaft that Kiltehr descending into. Time for another Zero-G area. Jump in and start going down. It starts into a cutscene with Leo and Davis doing some precise Zero-G jumping. After that, they appear in a tube. Of course Lutadores immediately start attacking them for the far end of the tube. There are only a few this time so nothing too bad.

With them dead, head to the end of the tube, toward the beam. Just follow the path into the Beam Chamber. Immediately get out of the center of this room. The beam will start firing and it means instant death to even get grazed by it. The only way to move forward in this room is to zig-zag through it while fighting the Lutadores who are getting in the way. Just move carefully between the bursts and you will be fine. The beam is always lead by the metal structures in the center lighting up and moving closer together. If this is happening and you are in the middle, get out of there immediately!